Film school drop out stuck on an ambulance.
I’m not convinced this is deserving of its reappraisal that people are insisting on now but it is entirely as good as its predecessor. The first half is the best, which feels most like an Italian 70s haunted house movie (Mario Bava’s ‘Shock’ comes to mind) with camera tricks and movement that I was surprised released prior to The Evil Dead as I was sure they were aping from that.
All I ever heard about this film was that it…
I remembered loving this film as a kid but upon rewatches, really only the John Lithgow segment and the wraparound bits with Akroyd are worth a damn. Coupled with the fact that Landis should have done jail time for the children whose lives ended due to his negligence, but instead the studio literally released the segment of the film that killed them in theaters makes this one much less palatable than it used to be for me on revisits.
My blue collar friends and I made this for $60k. Everyone told us we would fail, we would never accomplish anything without having gone to film school, without having any studio support or management, without any financial backing other than our own credit cards. People in the “industry” insulted us, told us to “learn our place” and how dare we think we can make something on our own and get it released.
And we did it. We made something with…
I really would have told you this is one of the most creative films I’ve seen in awhile but the use of AI generated artwork in post production shows a laziness and lack of ingenuity that makes me question the integrity of the rest of the project and for that reason alone I can’t give this the rating I’d like to. Damn shame, because I would love to sing its praises but the scariest thing is the film’s readiness to…