
worn Pro

♥ = I'd gladly watch it again with you

Favorite films

  • D.C. Cab
  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
  • Stunt Rock
  • Bringing Out the Dead

Recent activity

  • Marrowbone


  • The Flintstones


  • Time Masters


  • The Warriors


Recent reviews

  • Marrowbone



    Holy cow, look at the ratings for this thing! I was not expecting a 3.5 average.

    A genre anomalous slow burn with solid work by a young, talented cast, but it's firmly a three star movie I'll never watch again.

  • The Flintstones

    The Flintstones


    I give credit to The Flintstones for staying true to the source material and looking pretty damn good. I was so tired when I watched this, though.

    If it wasn't for the occasional Halle Berry appearance, I'd have been fast asleep by the time Icelandic twins Hlynur and Marinó Sigurðsson were introduced.

Popular reviews

  • Stone Cold

    Stone Cold


    Work has me over the proverbial barrel lately, so precious little time for anything other than soul-sucking jerkitude.

    I insisted on watching this movie, though. Brian "The Human Boz" Bosworth has some acting chops. There's not a paper bag that can hold him.

  • Gandahar



    In a movie filled with fantastical things, the most improbable may be there not being a single bad rack on the planet. Over the course of one thousand years, Gandahar seems to be incapable of producing a woman without perky breasts.

    Though, now that I think about it, the universe is filled with a near infinite number of planets. The math tells us it must be true. There’s gotta be a place out there filled with perfect boobs. That’s Gandahar.…
