

“Well, I like those complex female characters. But I want my women to go down easy.” Sleater Kinney

Favorite films

  • Only Lovers Left Alive
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • United Skates

Recent activity

  • This Changes Everything


  • Love and Monsters


  • CODA


  • Cruella


Recent reviews

  • This Changes Everything

    This Changes Everything


    Streamed. Watched by myself. Solid data. Inspiring stories. Smart and talented women. Everything is still the same.  Voluntary compliance is horseshit and progress (if it happens) is only temporary without mandatory compliance and a decent CEO. Also, let’s stop saying this male executive was an ass. Let’s start naming names. Every time.

  • Love and Monsters

    Love and Monsters


    Streamed. Watched with Hank. This was a lot of fun. A new take on the post apocalyptic world that is just the right amount of scary for me.

Popular reviews

  • Chaos Walking

    Chaos Walking

    Streamed. Watched with Hank. I apparently read this trilogy in 2014 and my review says “I hope this never becomes a movie, because I will have to see it, and it will give me nightmares.” In creating the movie, they removed the majority of the violence. They didn’t, however, replace it with much. Case of too big a book being made into too small a movie.

  • Face/Off



    Streamed. Watched with Taylor and Hank. Batshit movie with a kick ass roller coaster at Kings Island in the 90s.
