My taste gets more generic daily
I rate 80% by how much I like it and 20% by quality
2nd annoying/disappointing film in a row.
The pacing in this movie was terrible. When I say terrible, I don't meant a few scenes were too long or out of place, I mean that maybe not a single scene before the last 20 minutes of the movie was more than five minutes long. It stopped you from being immersed in the scene and kept you from connecting to a single character, making the film feel boring and worse than it is…
This movie is really infuriating because there are actually four or five scenes I really liked in this movie, mostly all the romance scenes from act one. It felt like such a different and certainly, for the time, special film. However, after the first act, it goes in a stupid direction that makes it feel like a COMPLETELY different movie. It abandons anything special about it and turns into a weird road trip movie that is so different from the…