Chris Hanley

Chris Hanley

I like movies. I'll scream into the void about them here.

Favorite films

  • Hereditary
  • Juno
  • Alien
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Recent activity

  • Flight Risk

  • The Gorge


  • Babygirl


  • Transformers One


Recent reviews

  • Flight Risk

    Flight Risk

    How is this from the same Mel Gibson that directed Apocalypto?! Just woeful film making with a sprinkling of AI generated CG landscapes and almost offensive attempts at humour and levity. Simply one of the worst movies I've seen for a long time.

  • The Gorge

    The Gorge


    By attempting to dabble in multiple genres, The Gorge struggles to find a foothold and culminates in an OK-to-good action-romantic-thriller flick that's equal parts video game as it is cakey romance tropes. It's entertaining enough with some fun set pieces; just don't think further than the surface level to avoid disappointment. Streaming fodder fun, and Anya is captivating as ever.

Popular reviews

  • Double Blind

    Double Blind


    Shudder-tier horror, it's serviceable and decently engaging but sort of languishes in its mediocrity. Nothing fresh is brought to the table, and the movie leaves you with very little to chew on or muse over after the credits roll. Stock, middle of the road horror. Meh.

  • Red Rooms

    Red Rooms


    There is no greater praise I can give a film than saying it kept me awake until midnight on a work night. I'd implore you to find this movie how I did; stumble into it by accident with as little knowledge as possible and just enjoy the ride.

    -- Possible plot spoilers beyond this point --

    A fascinating kaleidoscope of voyeurism, modern technology and the erosion of privacy; an open critique about how people have curtailed their own lives and…