There does not exist a film like Inland Empire
TIKTOK: @angelichybrid
IG: @okafxr
Ive never seen a film that is more authentic.
Never. Before. In. My. Life.
This is some of the best directing ive ever seen. The “handheld/shaky cam” footage is annoying at first, but later in the film you can see just how much it adds to the realism. And wow, is this film real. Its...surreal. I dont know how this movie exists. An A-List actress in Anne Hathaway (who gives a phenomenal performance btw), a couple other C-list stars (who…
Easily Top 3 Kubrick. I hate sayin that movies are “ahead of its time”, because its so cliché, but jeez, this movie came out in 1957. So many movies from that period get overrated just because they’re old, but Paths is ridiculously underrated. The story is simple, but complex enough to allow the characters to shine individually. Each character is vital to the story, and the main theme of the film: Life and Death. What does it mean to Die, and why…
Came out the same year as Psycho and holds up about 20x better. Way more creeepy too.
Its a good movie.
I mean, yea there are a lot of plot holes and hammered down philosophical points made here, but how many action movies can you name where you actually get to see the ******* action? Ill take it.
good action movie 8/10
The pinnacle of cheesy 80’s action flicks…
I literally could not take my eyes off the screen when watching this movie. Its perfectly corny, flawed, and human enough to earn its classic status in the community. Oh yeah, and the score is spectacular
id buy this for a dollar 8.5/10