Thirty, flirty, and thriving.
Might wanna chant that for the rest of my life until I truly reach the age of thirty...
Adult's life really isn't what we thought back in our childhood or teenager years, huh. (Sighs HARD)
Thirty, flirty, and thriving.
Might wanna chant that for the rest of my life until I truly reach the age of thirty...
Adult's life really isn't what we thought back in our childhood or teenager years, huh. (Sighs HARD)
A hopeless romantic person like me can only hope after watching this... 😇
Might be the most relateable, and comforting movie from Studio Ghibli from me.
When we go on a trip, vacation, or such, we often go on a trip down of memory as well. This movie, represented it well. Those memories that were made along the way... defines us—wrote us.
My new comfort movie. 🥹🤍