What if?
What if I were to do that thing differently ?
What now?
What could have been?
What could've I done differently
When the fictional story has best friends turning arch rivals / enemies 😈
I'm really a big fan of psychological thrillers, although this movie is more drama centric.
The movie is about two brothers, phil and George. Phil is what you would call an alpha male or he likes to think himself as one. He is brass,loud and kind of a bully. Also its never stated but I think he is gay or at least androsexual.This creates a sort of conflicting persona as homosexuality was sort of a taboo back then and gay…
Tenet- Nolan's bad tendencies
Tenet is the latest film directed by the fabled auteur Cristopher Nolan, you know the guy who directed movies like Interstellar and Inception . But Tenet doesn’t live up to his previous works and brings forth nolans worst tendency - emphasizing on complex concepts at the expanse of good character writing.
You know we live in an age when global cinema has turned into this big juggernaut that doesn’t care about anything other than earning money.…