

<--- Favourites are last 4 films rated 5 stars on first watch or upgraded to 5 on rewatch.

Favorite films

  • mother!
  • Blindspotting
  • A Separation
  • Submarine

Recent activity

  • Jackie Brown


  • District 9


  • Contagion


  • The Guilty


Recent reviews

  • Chernobyl


    Excellent series. Will go down as one of the most haunting and harrowing pieces of media I've seen. The acting, directing, cinematography and writing are all of extremely high quality and just knowing that these events actually happened makes it all the more terrifying. Overall, a highly recommended series.

  • Catch-22


    Fascinating look at one's descent into insanity in a situation like war. Casting is top-notch with Abbott, Chandler and Stewart being standouts in particular. Writing is particularly sharp and directing and cinematography are terrific. Overall a very good series.

Popular reviews

  • Abandon Ship

    Abandon Ship


    An interesting an thought provoking survival drama. Tyrone Power shines here in the lead role and the supporting cast is quite solid too. The film does quite well at portraying a moral dilemma and it meant the the film was able to keep me interested until the end. Overall, I did quite like this and thought that it was both gripping as well as good at making the viewer question the main character's ethics. Solid nomination.

  • Tokyo Story

    Tokyo Story


    The cinematography in this looked absolute beautiful and I really liked Setsuko Hara in this. I felt the themes of family were explored quite well in the film, especially in the second half. The ending was also very good. Definitely one of my favourite discoveries of the year and not something I'll forget anytime soon.