Yami Pantsu

Yami Pantsu

Favorite films

  • Mulholland Drive
  • Enter the Void
  • The Lighthouse
  • Inland Empire

Recent activity

  • Dinner in America


  • The Suicide Squad


  • Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves


  • SPY x FAMILY CODE: White


Recent reviews

  • Dinner in America

    Dinner in America


    The best thing you can do with this film is go in as blind as possible, I saw many reviews and videos but I wish I saw it without any context or other opinions like my partner did. Exterior factors aside I love almost everything about this film, its intoxicating, kinetic, hilarious, touching and relatable for every reason - good, bad and mundane. Just remember, no matter what the world wants to calls you, saddling you with labels and derision that you aren't THAT you're just you and as long as you're true to you that's all that matters.


  • The Suicide Squad

    The Suicide Squad


    Turns out James Gunn can't miss! Doesn't mean this is perfect - far from it - it's pitcher than black but still styled into the cookie cutter comic book film format that the BIG studios demand which hurts the sense of originality. But as far as characters, comedy & set pieces go I was almost always completely enthralled &entertained. Also Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn had me wishing James Gunn wrote all her cinematic appearances - top tier.


Popular reviews

  • Liar, Liar, Vampire

    Liar, Liar, Vampire


    For an hour long Nickelodeon television movie this Twilight meets Mean Girls almost-parody is a surprisingly funny diversion. It’s at its best when its tongue is firmly in cheek deconstructing the absurdity of the Twilight phenomenon but its resolution is still painfully predictable. The acting and directing skirts the line between natural and obnoxiously hyperactive but thankfully never tips over to the latter. It’s nothing spectacular but with lines like; "The modern vampire is like a cross between a constipated model and a freshman poetry major" it’s hard not to enjoy it just a little bit.


  • Little Boy

    Little Boy


    In the grand tradition of ‘every horrible thing the US does is right’ and ‘praying solves all problems’ comes Little Boy. An exhausting, offensive and ludicrous piece of filmmaking that not only seeks to condone the atomic bombs being dropped on Japanese civilians during World War 2, but that a single child’s prayers were instrumental in the deaths of millions of innocents in exchange for the safe return home of said child’s father. How anybody associated with this picture could think this was a good idea boggles the mind and makes you question the sanity and moral caliber of the otherwise decent quality actors involved.

