I remember watching this and feeling like this was so crazy but it’s now 8 years later (damn!) and it feels more gimmicky than I remember
Still an interesting movie though
I enjoyed this movie I thought it was funny and entertaining
But after reading some of these reviews I’m like wait a second… why are they making men holding her captive so funny …… why don’t I know any of her motives or life outside of Ivan ….
Idkkk but she’s a fighter and I love her and want to meet her
Those stars are for the insane wardrobe, set design, and the dance scene. Love emma stone and how visually pleasing this was but besides that… flunk for me… the visuals felt like a cover for how exploitative this movie feels… I don’t get how this is feminist I want more silliness !!!! The dancing scene was silly and when she was alone I actually liked it and I wanted to see more of HER not her in all these relationships w freak ass men!