Deleting tags…
- w/ cris 21
- w/mami 6
- w/ lauren 4
- w/ alexis 3
- w/ madeline 3
- hans carried 2
- natalie portman slayed 2
- w/ aaron 2
- #1 movie
- #domt watch the day before u graduate hs
- #girlboss
- 3d
- amc river east
- bark bark woof wook
- casting??
- chico's bday bash
- chuya slayed
- cried
- crying
- darth maul scares me still
- fighting for my life
- finally
- finally unlocked it
- frank sinatra 🤩
- girlboss
- god i love natalie portman
- humpty dumbty
- id let anakin use his jedi powers on me
- kiera
- my man at the end
- president fitz 😝
- randomoldman
- rat tail
- romance
- shes just like me fr
- skeet 😍
- tiktok made me watch it
- uic has better wifi than me
- w/ big bro
- w/ juju
- w/ ximena
- w/ yadi twin
- whoops