Deleting tags…
- comedy 72
- drama 70
- action 52
- adventure 38
- romance 37
- thriller 36
- fantasy 35
- netflix 32
- with spence 31
- horrors 28
- mystery 27
- sci fi 27
- crime 26
- amazon prime 23
- dark comedy 19
- superhero movies 17
- with rob 17
- comedy?? 12
- with robert 10
- disney 9
- animation 8
- indie film 8
- kids 8
- coming of age 7
- uni required watching 7
- mcu 6
- slasher 6
- dceu 5
- musical 5
- black and white 4
- historical fiction 4
- horror????? 4
- neo-noir 4
- romcom 4
- satire 4
- star wars 4
- a goddamn movie 3
- lgbt 3
- period piece 3
- war 3
- biographical 2
- buddy cop 2
- i just wanna forget it 2
- musical? idk 2
- tv 2
- with nikki 2
- 10/10 for making my boyfriend shit himself
- 2am watch and it was shit
- a banger of a flim
- all i know is that i wanna live in the school of rock cinematic universe
- all i want is a jason movie okay pls
- also nick jonas
- also....this is not a good movie
- although the scene in italy is gorgeous
- am no a pedo call my brother
- and it was alllllll a dream
- bekah but a gun to my head and said it was funny
- best christmas film
- black mirror
- but its monday morning and i honestly have lost all my will to give a fuck
- by going off i mean my tearducts haven't stopped
- can i really say its romance if anakin fucing choked padmé and not in a kinky way
- copaganda
- cornetto trilogy
- dcau
- decent
- diana was amazing
- documentary
- dvd
- everytime he was on screen
- for half an hour i considered never shagging again but i dont have that strength
- forgot how fun it is
- fucking raging
- god it makes me emo
- gothic
- great special effects
- harry potter
- hes a chodemister
- hes a total h2hoe
- holy shit holy shit holy shit
- home boy...mark ruffalo...could like..............get it
- i cried
- i dont fucking know
- i dont like sand....well hun i didnt like this shite movie
- i dont wanna tag this as romance but i have to
- i hate romcoms and only watched this for jake and it fucking shows
- i just dont knowwww??
- i liked the dialogue a lot
- i love this fucking movie more than i wanna die
- i need to stick with no watching marvel films
- i thought a third rewatch without the hype would have detracted from it but naw its still up there
- i want jake gyllenhaal to [redacted] my face
- i watch this at least 6 times a year
- idk if it counts as a musical or what
- if you make the right choice?
- im a jar jar twink for that man
- im the real clown 🤡🤡🤡
- intense as fuck
- interesting concept
- is weird vegan activism a category?
- its his fault i watched this
- its so bland and boring
- kinda annoyed that i paid 7.50 to watch this
- like it was very hit/miss at points
- literally said "this is depression hours" about 6 times during it
- love the way its shot as well
- me and my da waited all yesr for this
- melodrama
- mia??? in general??? reported and blocked
- my dad sat me down and forced me to watch it cause he knew it was on
- my nine year old self is stanning that man so hard rn
- nap time
- not amazing or great byt any stretch but fun
- nothing cements father-daughter bonding like immense disgust over rudy giuliani
- one of the best
- parody
- pixar
- probs cause i dont like a lot of flims about war but oh boy was he right
- reality
- rob told me to shut the fuck up and stop saying it after the 3rd time