chronic movie rewatcher
top 4 current favs
i’m almost done!!! life update again here:
2 months of high school left and i am at the highest high and lowest low of my whole life. i got into my top 3 colleges and committed to ucla, but i cant help but feel like im missing out by not taking the chance and going to the east coast. i want to experience things that i haven’t before, but i know eventually ill get bored no matter where i end…
ep 1/4
woah acting woah camera work
ep 2/4
oh okay so this is gonna make me sob i already know
ep 3/4
NETFLIX RELEASED THEIR ONE BANGER OF THE YEAR AND IT IS THIS SHOW. i love this show i haven’t loved a show like this in so long
ep 4/4
every once in a while i see a piece of media that makes me want to be serious and write an actual review. this is one of them, will be posted probably not tonight bc i need to digest everything
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Corky is just like my highschool drama teacher because:
- they both directed plays in new york only for them to fall off, this is the reason both of them became high school drama teachers
- they are both very gay but have a wife
- will get PISSED if someone tries to give them advice on their “creative process/vision”
- have the same weird mustache beard whatever the fuck
- while corky actually stood in for the missing actor,…
petition for more book adaptations to be made into tv shows/limited series!!
this was so good bc it gave the story time to develop and didn’t rush it in like 2 hours i loved the book and i loved this yay