Would love to make a comparison to Ex-Machina (2015), but, that would imply an understanding of all of the messaging of that movie and, to an extent, an understanding of life as a woman, that I simply do not possess.
Good flick.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
There’s an almost one-to-one recreation of some Blue Angels flight footage that about made me cry. Probably did.
Dawg, I was not expecting a horror/thriller. It was definitely giving that early 2000’s thriller juice. Slightly trippy from the word go. At first, I was like, “Who wrote this woman like this? It feels so… early 2000’s comic book everywoman.” This is the moment when the ingenuity of this movie began to sink in
That said, THE ADR IN THIS MOVIE!!! I swear, I kept trying to give the movie some credit after being taken completely out of…