
Pablo Patron

Just a dude who thinks way too much about movies.

Favorite films

  • Inglourious Basterds
  • Alien
  • No Country for Old Men
  • I'm No Longer Here

Recent activity

  • Constantine


  • Conclave


  • The Gorge


  • Eternals


Recent reviews

  • Constantine



    Constantine, an underrated classic from the DC fanbase, is a blast to watch even after two decades. The CGI from 2005 holds up remarkably well, as does the acting, editing, and action sequences. It’s astonishing that Constantine didn’t achieve the same level of cultural impact as Batman Begins or X-Men. It’s simply that enjoyable and memorable!

    Keanu Reeves is an absolute badass as the titular character and Rachel Weisz held her own against Reeves’s charismatic gravitas. I’m a sucker for anything involving angels and demons fighting for the souls of the people.

  • Conclave



    “If there was only certainty and no doubt, there would be no mystery. And therefore no need for faith.”

    Powerful film that left me speechless for most of its run time. Conclave is gorgeous, sensational and extremely thought provoking. The themes explored of progressivism vs fascism or truth vs suppression also feels extremely relevant today in the year of our lord, 2025.

Popular reviews

  • John Wick: Chapter 4

    John Wick: Chapter 4


    John Wick: Chapter 4 is a brilliant action film. It’s not an exaggeration to call it one of the absolute best in the history of action cinema. It’s world building is incredibly subtle and is at its best when it expands as the story continues to unfold. New and interesting characters reveal themselves bringing forth motivations that make sense. New locations further the mythology of the not-so-underground world of assassins and are so aesthetically beautiful, you want the camera to…

  • Exhuma



    Korean horror films are becoming a personal favorite of mine. First, The Wailing knocked my socks off with its incredible storytelling and unforgettable finale. Now, Exhuma delivers a thrilling, supernatural story that injects real world geo-historical context. All of the characters were given excellent direction and motivation, which made it so easy to get behind them, especially Oldboy’s legendary protagonist, Choi Min-sik. The tone of the film was a great blend of tension, horror, mystery and some levity thanks to the fantastic chemistry…