Give a man a dance, he will serve for a day.
Teach a man to dance, he will serve for a life.
Undoubtedly the greatest B2K centric movie of all time.
Give a man a dance, he will serve for a day.
Teach a man to dance, he will serve for a life.
Undoubtedly the greatest B2K centric movie of all time.
Pure fun with great fight scenes. The absurdity of this movie makes it a masterpiece.
I am the target demographic of this film and it didn’t disappoint,
This movie reminds me of one of my other favorite films “Kung Fu Hustle”.
The wacky atmosphere creates a fun experience that also has scenes that tug on the heart strings. Great performances all around.
The theme of pondering our “alternate timelines” is one we can all relate to. Such a common theme is presented in an easy to follow and interesting way.