Deleting tags…
- favorites 20
- at least i was entertained 13
- girlboss 9
- emotionally wrecked 7
- peter-tingle 6
- aesthetic 4
- loki supremacy 4
- to eat or not to eat that is the question 4
- but what is grief if not love persevering 3
- this movie is about the gays they just didnt wanna say it out loud 3
- wait is this play about us? 3
- that was... something 2
- alternatively: 18 robert pattinsons walk into a bar.......
- alternatively: fast & furious: twilight horse
- alternatively: this brings a whole new meaning to u-hauling
- an arranged marriage... sandworms.....
- and then had to check myself
- dev patel supremacy
- entertaining but nothing will be as good as ragnarok
- everyone in the film was winning & losing simultaneously and thats a talent
- for the unhinged dark academia girlies
- get it.
- i am susceptible to messiah propaganda
- i have fear
- i know the real quote is janet shhh
- i stan stu
- it was shit
- justice for albert
- lowkey sometimes i caught myself thinking:
- luca guadagnino swings and never misses
- no bc why was that lowkey dune lol
- probably need to rewatch to get the full symbolism of the movie
- so can someone be that down bad for me or
- taylor & timothée superiority
- this combined random plot points from a bunch of my favorite media and threw it into one movie
- why is this movie considered a classic
- why was i obsessed w this movie when i was like 18
- xialing fanclub
- zero murders (we made that part up) took me out