Ian Perhaps

Ian Perhaps

Film and commercial editor and writer. I like everything.

Favorite films

  • RoboCop
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  • A Single Man
  • Princess Mononoke

Recent activity

  • Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence

  • Stutz

  • Will & Harper

  • Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl


Recent reviews

  • Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence

    Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence

    Surprisingly good. The most fascinating part of the mini series happens in the latter half, when we witness two very different trajectories of two women, both (ostensibly) of whom were victims of a horrible piece of shit.

  • Stutz


    Maybe the only bad thing I can say, like with Will & Harper, is that sometimes it feels too clean, too edited. Sometimes it feels there is little space to feel the breaths of humanity. Not that this movie ever lacks humanity—it was amazing. But it all feels contrived sometimes. Especially when either movie tries to seem vulnerable or honest. And maybe that's not fair, but that's how it feels.

Popular reviews

  • Glengarry Glen Ross

    Glengarry Glen Ross


    God damn that was awesome.

  • High and Low

    High and Low


    You can see the influence this film had on Bong Joon-Ho. Either this film was ahead of its time or nothing has changed. I’ll go with the latter.