The smartest bimbo on Film Twitter
"Life’s like a movie, write your own ending"
*talking to a girl at a bar* you see it's called Santa Claus Conquers the Martians cause it's a cultural conquest where their customs are taken over by a western idea
One of the greatest "bros being dudes" movies of all time. Someone compared this to a martial arts movie and it totally is. You can even talk about the film in terms of the great scenes. The gas station. Rome's place. All of them incredibly shot and choreographed.
Baron hating kids and loving toys. He's just like me frfr.
A piece of skin rubbed raw. A scab picked at, never fully healing and never fully falling off. Eyes closed but not daring to dream.
I was told this movie would devastate me and I was still unprepared. And I can't say that it will do that with everyone but the specificity of the world, the words said and the looks given killed me. Blank stares into TV screens hoping to god someone sees what you see and also hoping…