What heroes the capybara and whale were here. Every animal played a part and I was so emotional by the end of it.
Every living thing is responsible for one another.
Cannot stand these toxic, rude and delulu prima donnas that are worshipped for their talent.
Just felt angry and annoyed the entire time for her staff no matter how willingly they wanted to continue to be faithful to her.
Angelina Jolie delivered in this role 100% but literally have no interest or reverence for Maria Callas no matter how amazing her voice is.
I have never known anything about David byrne or the talking heads besides burning down the house but I knew I wanted to watch this when I saw the trailer of it came on before a movie I was seeing.
What I saw was brilliant. This is musicality at its rawest and realest. You know when old people say ‘ music wasn’t what it used to be’? This movie shows that this is true.
Bring back more soul, depth, hip gyration and psychotic breakdowns from being taken over by the music PLEASE