"I prefer to feel GOOD while watching movies."
-Zac Fortin
went to my friends place and he was already watching it. he said he was testing the speakers (they were just two old computer speakers plugged into the tv, propped on some chairs). he said it was a version that replaced all the music with pink floyd, so i made him start it from the beginnign and watched it with him.
one of the coolest looking movies i;ve seen fromt he 60s. i still haven't seen the version with…
My friedn told me nothing about this movie and insited i watch it blind with him. it was ok, but it felt like a movie that get put on in religious school. especially that stuff about the sun god talking to the main rabbit felt like those sunday school cartoons. idk
i thouht for sure the rabbots ewre going to have magic powers or there was going to a evil they would have to face, but no. just a bunch of rabbits dyting the normal gorey ways.