an exPERience! the movie was honestly better than what I expected, given how much time has passed since a proper rewatch. my young self had good taste.
the hobbits are so teeny
an exPERience! the movie was honestly better than what I expected, given how much time has passed since a proper rewatch. my young self had good taste.
the hobbits are so teeny
magical viewing experience. the ending revealed to me just how much Chaplin was anticipating my expectations. a thinker, that one. so much charm!
literally why not. these movies are propaganda but they’re so good. get me every time.
love you dad, this one’s for u s
that man had this recorded in the dvr for over a year, waiting for us to watch it together. a Christmas miracle
the style and atmosphere was so special and curated and very much PALPABLE. the v i b e. so eerie. very much creepypasta/liminal space territory but man, the dialogue was not quite there.
the cringe felt intentional, within this yearning to escape into something e l s e at that age and anchored in this show. I guess I wished that our protagonist was more …. intentional? driven? Real? Like, maybe do something? who are you? what do you like? Some lapses in plot and flow here but hey, it was cool to watch.