Movies are sick, you gotta check em out sometime.
Me and your uncle probably like the same flicks, but for completely different reasons.
Review written as part of the 52 week movie challenge from 'Peter Bogdanovich's Movie of the Week: 52 Classic Films for One Full Year'.
Link to Letterboxd list found here:
Week 11/52
My first ever John Wayne film, and my first John Ford experience.
Almost certainly the most conflicted I have felt about a film so far throughout this curated process.
On the positive side, this film is drop dead gorgeous. My only knowledge of John Ford prior to…
Please Sakurai, I desperately need a long armed Freddy Krueger in the next Smash game.
Saw this at the Towne for the 40th anniversary. Still rips absolute ass. Want to give a big smooch to a lot of the choices made in this movie, and I love a movie that has a million gags in it.
Hooptober XI
Movie 4/31
Category - A film from 1984 - 1/1
I took one singular note while watching this movie. It read 'how the fuck am I supposed to review something like this'.
I don't know if time has been kind to Troma as a whole, but I can see why a movie like the Toxic Avenger has stuck around. It's nasty, it's gross, it's shameless, but it also carries with it a punk rock edge that is so…