Zach Angel

Zach Angel

Movies are sick, you gotta check em out sometime.

Me and your uncle probably like the same flicks, but for completely different reasons.

Favorite films

  • Jaws
  • Stop Making Sense
  • The Sting
  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Recent activity

  • Thelma


  • The Quiet Man


  • The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek


  • Mister America


Recent reviews

  • Thelma



    Watched with my mom and she was electrified. Loved it.

  • The Quiet Man

    The Quiet Man


    Review written as part of the 52 week movie challenge from 'Peter Bogdanovich's Movie of the Week: 52 Classic Films for One Full Year'.
    Link to Letterboxd list found here:

    Week 11/52

    My first ever John Wayne film, and my first John Ford experience.

    Almost certainly the most conflicted I have felt about a film so far throughout this curated process.

    On the positive side, this film is drop dead gorgeous. My only knowledge of John Ford prior to…

Popular reviews

  • A Nightmare on Elm Street

    A Nightmare on Elm Street


    Please Sakurai, I desperately need a long armed Freddy Krueger in the next Smash game.

    Saw this at the Towne for the 40th anniversary. Still rips absolute ass. Want to give a big smooch to a lot of the choices made in this movie, and I love a movie that has a million gags in it.

  • The Toxic Avenger

    The Toxic Avenger


    Hooptober XI

    Movie 4/31

    Category - A film from 1984 - 1/1

    I took one singular note while watching this movie. It read 'how the fuck am I supposed to review something like this'.

    I don't know if time has been kind to Troma as a whole, but I can see why a movie like the Toxic Avenger has stuck around. It's nasty, it's gross, it's shameless, but it also carries with it a punk rock edge that is so…