Zahran Jamus

Zahran Jamus

Cinema Usher and Sci-fi Enthusiast :)
Check out my lists for full franchise rankings

Favorite films

  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  • Star Wars
  • The Impossible
  • Hidden Figures

Recent activity

  • Pacific Rim


  • In the Tall Grass


  • Spider-Man


  • Mercury Rising


Recent reviews

  • Pacific Rim

    Pacific Rim


    A captivating action-packed watch. It may have lacked any intellectual description, as often expected due to its abundance in the monsterverse, but that only made it uniquely better. Simply non-stop engaging battle. To say it simply, it was saved from the excessive need to scientifically overexplain modern fiction, a less common, yet noticeable flaw in Hollywood today.

    The whole film was packed with vibrant colour, great one liners and some amazing fight sequences. It concluded strong with the hopeful potential for expansion and of course the successful cancelation of apocalypse.

  • In the Tall Grass

    In the Tall Grass


    Ridiculously Weird is an understatement.

    'In the Tall Grass' presents an intriguing premise with a lot of potential, but sadly it looses any good touch pretty quick. The haunting invincible entity of 'the tall grass' was a perfectly unique concept to construct a successful thriller, but unfortunately Netflix didn't quite know how.

    Within half an hour the film began it's endless loop of repeated sequences and poor character decisions. I will admit I admired how it concluded back at the…

Popular reviews

  • We Live in Time

    We Live in Time


    Why 😭😭😭

  • Hidden Figures

    Hidden Figures


    An amazing re enachment of a historical milestone, enhanced on the big screen by the flawless acting of Taraji Henson.

    'Hidden Figures' is a perfect example of how true stories combined with skillful directing can result in such an impactful masterpiece and essential piece of educational awareness for modern society, an emotional display of empathy for how difficult those years of discrimination were. A show of vital and overlooked credit finally acknowledged where due.

    Thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish.