Zane Foyle

Zane Foyle Patron

Favorite films

  • Magnolia
  • IWOW: I Walk on Water
  • Ritual
  • Casting Blossoms to the Sky

Recent activity

  • Quincy

  • Flow


  • One of Them Days


  • The Greatest Night in Pop


Pinned reviews

  • IWOW: I Walk on Water

    IWOW: I Walk on Water


    Khalik Allah's magnum opus, I Walk on Water, returns to the lively streets of Harlem, with a much more personal narrative, a stream of consciousness which, throughout it's daunting 3 hour and 20 minute runtime, begins to flow into something more personal, Allah's perception of reality, and how it affects his relationships with those who are closest to him.

    Remaining in Khalik Allah's dreamlike pace and texture, IWOW further expands upon the carefully built worlds and narratives of his previous…

  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

    Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles


    Literally no one but Chantal Akerman could make a 3.5 hour movie about a housewife doing chores so thought provoking and layered in cultural and patriarchal subtext. This thing was amazing. And yet this film also exists as a double entendre, a piece examining how tragedies can ultimately break people, leaving them in despair as they desperately attempt to fill the void. Jeanne Dielman does so with daily routines, she thrives on it, as well as the sparse and dry visits from her son, who only occasionally opens up to her. Devastating. But yes it was boring.

Recent reviews

  • Flow



    As of recent, I have begun my journey into the creation of my debut animated film “Esther’s Comet”. I have written only a few pages in the past couple of days, but even through my day to day life new narrative ideas spawn, and I can already feel the growth of the film being promising, a final result I’m sure I will be proud of. I am to craft this film independently, with the aid of voice actors of course,…

  • One of Them Days

    One of Them Days


    A film that doesn’t limit itself to being basic, it’s batshit insane, genuinely off the walls, brimming with such vibrancy with animated characters, absurd scenarios that venture into complete fuckery by the end.

Popular reviews

  • Coco


    Oh shit wrong movie lol

    Edit: why the fuck is this my most popular review man

  • A Florida Melancholy

    A Florida Melancholy


    I really want as many of you as possible to read this, because this review is a tribute to an amazing person Eli Hayes, who has sadly passed away. This film as well as others have reflected his incredibly open personality. Watching them, reviewing them, and personally getting to know Eli as he commented on my reviews was a truly amazing experience, as I feel as if I got to know someone who I feel comfortable to call a friend.…