

if ur here to ask about that alien film i cant send a link but if i could find a way to watch it fueled by autism alone…

Favorite films

  • Juno
  • Girl, Interrupted
  • Jesus Christ Superstar
  • Cat Soup

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  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


  • The Muppets' Wizard of Oz


  • The Prince of Egypt


  • Lake Mungo


Recent reviews

  • The Muppets' Wizard of Oz

    The Muppets' Wizard of Oz


    idk what my deal was last time this films great

  • Dorian Gray

    Dorian Gray


    terrible cinema i must admit although life changing to a thirsty 13yr old bisexual me. i can't rate on comparison to the book cause i haven't read it in years but the rest is bad enough i don't have to. whats with the 2008 haircuts? these weird sets? why is victorian london foul and cgi'd beyond uncanny levels? something very off. the acting stinks from all except maybe mr firth and the pacing is baffling. i can't even rate it…

Popular reviews

  • Summer of the Flying Saucer

    Summer of the Flying Saucer


    i was lucky/honoured/persistent enough to get access to this film and its so fun !! i loved the message and im a sucker for anything with aliens in so i knew id enjoy it anyway but im just so happy to finally actually See it and officially be able to say i've watched Every robert sheehan film . he was great btw i love the little outfit they put him in

  • Brakes



    cool as hell idea for a movie i love being miserable . couldnt keep track of half of these people but enjoyed deranged gay julian barratt and his comically small guitar
