Roziq Hidayatullah

Roziq Hidayatullah


Favorite films

  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Yi Yi
  • Aftersun

Recent activity

  • A Confucian Confusion


  • Terrorizers


  • Before Sunrise


  • The Queen's Gambit

Recent reviews

  • Lawrence of Arabia

    Lawrence of Arabia


    The strong take what they can, while the weak suffer what they must.

    While mercy is a choice for the strong, it is the hope of the weak.

    Only that the strong forget to imagine that one day they themselves will be weak and hoping for mercy.

    This is yet another chapter of this great Thucydidean story of us forgetful men.

    Rest in peace, لورنس

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


    she was missing that night
    we looked everywhere
    serched everywhere
    shouted her name everywhere
    yet not a single trace of her
    not even a trail
    not even a shadow
    not even a ghost

    "it's been along time since it rained like this, ah, i love the touch of raindrops sliding down my face''

    i never knew what she meant by that
    but i'm content the night sky was showering rain for her.
    the heavy rain tells me that you are…

  • Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunners


    watch this after finish cyberpunk seriously got me feel one of the most thought-provoking out there. Lucy doesn't actually stop David from going down the cyberpsycho path, she just kinda slows him down. That's the thing, this show is all about the gray areas. There are no easy answers.
    it's just a masterpiece. The animation is incredible, the story is mind-blowing, and the characters is just so complex. I could probably rewatch this a million times and still find new things to love about it.
    thank u for break me

  • Meet Joe Black

    Meet Joe Black


    I've watched this a dozen times and it's touched my heart each time... It came up on my feed this morning and I thought " oh I've seen it a dozen times" and yet again.. it pulled me in and I am touched in my heart??... deeply. It seems that again it has hit me.. now I'm lil bit older can only wish the best for and I worry about her happiness.. right in the feels again, this is just a wonderful timeless movie with great soundtrack
