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favourites in no particular order !
I hope that one day I‘ll be able to express my thoughts and feelings on Tarkovsky on a piece of paper but it‘s not unlikely that that day will never come. He‘s the only that artist that has actually changed my course of life and it feels weird to have this kind of „connection“ to a man that died long before I was born. Tarkovsky put his soul into every film of his, especially this film, and with each viewing of one of his films, I know and understand him a little bit more. It‘s strangely melancholic to know that I‘ll never meet him.
Slight spoilers in the second paragraph
This is the most frightening experience I‘ve ever had with a film. I‘ve been living alone the last couple days and decided to immerse myself as much as I could into this film, so I rolled down the curtains, put my phone into a different room and started watching. When I started the film, there was still a bit of daylight coming through the windows but as the film progressed, my room became completely dark…
Hyper-stylization to the point where everything just feels phoney and comically overdrawn. The use of Eastern and Western Asian music and culture to stylize that city is also just shallow and annoying. There are interesting ideas touched upon, but never elaborated on to the point where it actually gets interesting.
Here and there, there‘s something that moves you like the red-eye-effect in the eyes of the replicants or the final speech but it‘s always followed by bizarrely stylized slop…
What you‘ll often hear here in Germany is that the conflict is complicated, that both sides are in the wrong, that Israel has every right to defend itself. Many of those are academic, intelligent people saying that and I‘ve never understood that. How can anyone who’s not a fascist look at this violence committed and argue that it‘s in some way morally plausible?
The simple reason why they don‘t is ignorance. The political German centre feels a moral obligation to…
Nolan has completely trapped himself in his style, that style works for a film like Tenet but for a serious work like Oppenheimer, it is out of place. The film is 3 hours long and attempts to cover decades of Oppenheimer‘s life, yet Nolan puts remarkably little into this film thematically. Sure, we follow Oppenheimer during the Manhattan Project and the unofficial trial against him years later but everything that is displayed is superficial and the audience really doesn‘t…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Is this the most misunderstood lars von trier film? Yes.
Most reviews just talk about how disturbing and vulgar this film is, when it‘s so much more.
If the humans nature is evil so is nature itself. This is arguably von triers best film and even though von trier has created a lot of controversial films I think this is his most controversial one. Throughout the film nature is portrayed as an evil force, as „Satans Church“. For example when…