• Magnolia



    The perfect movie still exists...

  • Twin Peaks: The Return

    Twin Peaks: The Return


    "At night I'm driving in your car
    Pretending that we'll leave this town
    We're watching all the street lights fade
    And now you're just a stranger's dream
    I took your picture from the frame
    And now you're nothing like you seem
    Your shadow fell like last night's rain"

  • The House That Jack Built

    The House That Jack Built


    "Some people claim that the atrocities we commit in our fiction are those inner desires which we cannot commit in our controlled civilization, so they're expressed instead through our art. I don't agree. I believe Heaven and Hell are one and the same. The soul belongs to Heaven and the body to Hell."

  • Prisoners



    truly amazing

  • The Weeping Meadow

    The Weeping Meadow


    Tragical Masterpiece .....

  • Whiplash



    get the fuck out of here

  • After Hours

    After Hours


    It has been a while since i watched a movie like that

  • Take Shelter

    Take Shelter



  • The Godfather Part II

    The Godfather Part II


    I could say that this is the Most perfect movie ever .

  • Land of Fear

    Land of Fear


    "ما زلت أحن إلى حياتي في أرض الخوف إلا أنني ﻻ أملك القدرة على أن أعود إليها"

  • TÁR



    I'm Fucking disappointed

  • Ran



    " ولد الإنسان باكياً. عندما يبكي بما فيه الكفاية يموت. في عالم مجنون فقط المجنون هو العاقل. " - كيوامي