Daniel Dinicola

Daniel Dinicola

Fuck around and find out.

Favorite films

  • The Player
  • Le Samouraï
  • Y Tu Mamá También
  • Mulholland Drive

Recent activity

  • Eat Pray Love


  • Sideways


  • The Rachel Papers


  • Nosferatu


Recent reviews

  • Eat Pray Love

    Eat Pray Love


    I have resisted watching this movie for years now and last night I finally took the plunge. Anyone who actually finds Lizz Gilbert an enticing figure should receive a lobotomy. This entire movie outside of a few gestures she makes are pure narcissim coded as spirituality or spiritual practices and than of course the love interest has to completely bend to her will regarding the nature of their relationship. What I am writing is not new I will confess I…

  • Sideways



    Just re-watched I bow at the alter of Virgina Madsen who is brilliant throughout this movie.

Popular reviews

  • Range 15

    Range 15


    Absolute dog shit from start to finish. Nothing will make you hate the United States more than the utter nonsense that is this movie. It is like watching road rules challenge or jersey shore version of a zombie apocalypse movie. Honestly, it is hard to explain why I even decided to watch this all it did was make me furious.

  • Starship Troopers

    Starship Troopers


    How does one make fascism sexy? Why Of course stick the best looking faces on a screen fighting a nebulous enemy we call "bugs." Verhoven is a genius and this is the peak of his type of satire loved every second of this movie.
