
Abbie Pro

Flunked out of film school in 2003

Favorite films

  • Amadeus
  • Weekend
  • A Serious Man
  • Reds

Recent activity

  • Prey


  • Loves of a Blonde


  • Wanda


  • Lincoln


Recent reviews

  • Prey



    Love this on paper but it's so sanded down, first half has absolutely no tension and is just a parade of bad CG critters.

    Has nothing really to say. The brilliance of Predator is the satire of US machismo and I'm sure this franchise had long lost that, but Prey doesn't do a lot interesting with the Comanche setting. I guess it's fun that the French fur trappers are otherized as savages.

    Climactic fight is pretty fun, tho!

  • Loves of a Blonde

    Loves of a Blonde


    Sort of lumpy. Loved the first part that's reminiscent of The Firemen's Ball. Segment with the piano player's bickering parents kinda dragged it down. Has many funny moments and is beautifully shot but I found it hard to tie together the digressions as it went.

Popular reviews

  • The Parallax View

    The Parallax View


    This is no Klute. Almost quit right before the bugnuts "testing" montage, which was really the highlight.

    Gorgeously shot, indescribably boring. No characters to speak of. The Parallax stuff threatens to be interesting, but really fizzles. Super generic 70s conspiracy thriller.

    Still, does look cool as fuck. 😎

  • Oppenheimer



    Nolan is so weird, this is at its weakest when it's Oppy's personal life (i.e. hot communists fucking) and incredibly strong when it's just actors reading trial transcripts.

    All the discourse is dumb as hell, this is a very serious movie that is entirely devoted to grappling with the consequences of Oppenheimer's work. I think it does so very well, even though the central character remains pretty much an enigma. Nolan is just very bad at people. But anyone saying…