
zesfinkas Patron

horror, martial arts, noir, space opera, anything really

Favorite films

  • Hinterlands
  • Skinamarink
  • The Oldest View
  • Petscop

Recent activity

  • The Phantom of the Opera


  • Deathstalker II


  • Deathstalker


  • Vermiglio


Recent reviews

  • The Phantom of the Opera

    The Phantom of the Opera


    While you can tell there was a huge hack job to the story over numerous edits, this still holds up, especially with that gloomy ending.

    The color processes used were so cool. I’ll never forget the Phantom perched up on the roof angel in his Red Death costume. Speaking of unforgettable imagery, the Phantom’s face as he was escaping in the carriage was terrifying. Even though I’ve seen the look so many times, the makeup still frightened me.

  • Deathstalker II

    Deathstalker II


    Yeah, everyone’s right. This is better than the first. I imagine why most like this one more because every performance is hammy. Deathstalker is now the worst guy you know, despite being way hotter than the last guy. Evie is both villain and further comic relief. Jarek and Sultana act like Mortal Kombat villains. It’s all truly amazing, but I do think the climax fight was better last time.

Popular reviews

  • The African Desperate

    The African Desperate


    It’s way too late. You’re at a party you didn’t even want to go to with people you didn’t even want to be around. You’ve taken way too many drugs. I think we’ve all been there. 

    Most of the times I’ve seen films like this, the protagonist is so alienated from their surroundings. This feels different in that Palace drifts in and out of a world which is definitely hers, at least for that specific point of time. The psychedelic…

  • Ikebukuro West Gate Park

    Ikebukuro West Gate Park


    Actually unhinged television. First, it’s such a testament to the turn of the century. Makoto essentially becomes a detective solely because his phone won’t stop blowing up. And he’s sick of it.

    Second, everyone is so damn charming. Everything Takashi said made me crack up. There are also so many scenes where something totally absurd is happening in the background when the main characters are having a serious conversation.

    On a similar note, it’s incredible how well they handled the…