

Went to film school, but ended up at an Orthodox seminary. Go figure

Favorite films

  • GoodFellas
  • Zodiac
  • JFK
  • The Social Network

Recent activity

  • Arachnophobia


  • Jurassic Park


  • Dial M for Murder


  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


Recent reviews

  • Arachnophobia



    Moves a bit slower than it probably should (as a thriller), but still lots of fun. John Goodman utterly steals the movie as Delbert, but his role is emblematic of the film's clunky tonal shifts. His parts were the best of the movie, but they feel out of place almost? Can chalk it up to it being Frank Marshall's first film, I suppose. Goodman alone makes it worth watching and it is a film worth watching if only to get that Amblin' feel.

  • Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park


    What more can you ask for? Prescient, groundbreaking, and one of the crown jewels of Spielberg's filmography. Endlessly rewatchable.

Popular reviews

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


    One of Fincher's most underrated. Salander is Rooney Mara's finest hour as an actress and, in my estimation, one of the better modern performances by any actress. She was utterly robbed at the 2011 Oscars. My love for the film remains after all these years and will continue to.

  • Nosferatu



    Eggers, you beautiful and reliable bastard. Funnier than I would have guessed, but what a fantastic and gothic period piece. Cannot wait to watch over and over.
