I would love to see like 2022 Ayo’s Letterboxd review of this.
If you’re gonna do a the menu plot at least have some new ideas other than mad libbing the ideology that gets preached
I feel like there's a lot of really good interviews in this but the filmmakers made a bunch of bad and/or silly choices.
Ultimately where they really fail (besides the spectularly silly narrative scenes that serve no purpose but to fill time) is to deal with the topic with much nuance. A little bit of lip service is given to the duality of the good side of social media but not much. I'm not trying to defend social media at…
I was watching this and thinking about why it doesn't feel hokey, despite the fact that other movies or TV have dealt with mental illness, suicide, overbearing parents, etc. and I realized that it's not relying on tropes, things aren't done for dramatic effect. It's all so ordinary, empathetic, and real. Even JK Simmons' character, who is a douche in this, is clearly struggling with his own stuff. 3 dimensional. Honest, even brutally so. There's no overbearing sentimentality or undercutting nihilism here. Just raw open empathy.