Dont feel bad about losing your virtue. Everybody always does.
RIP Donald Sutherland :(
I truly admire Tom Sturridge’s ability to walk on to any set and have sexual tension with virtually anyone. Him and Eddie Redmayne’s performances really are this film’s saving grace.
Oftentimes trying to be more clever than it really is, this film could have been much better off investing in aesthetics than plot. The writing is shallow and we get more telling than showing, and the logical connections are often weak. And definitely could’ve been gayer.
maybe i am not the target audience for this kind of movie but that is okay. i think it was still very beautiful, albeit a little uncomfortable and very comedic at times. i seriously just have no more interest in seeing stories of asian-americans actively disavowing their asian culture and removing themselves from their roots. i did appreciate the overall message that life, most times, doesnt work out the way stories do, and that is also okay.