we're mortal men. we Serve an ideal. we cannot always Be ideal
drama queens
kieran's character is who many people want to be, but are afraid of being. he is unapologetically himself, but unfortunately at the expense of others.
should jesse's character be apologizing for him?
me before watching scott pilgrim: No Clue
me after watching scott pilgrim: Gets It
dowager: i don't argue... i Explain
ALL. OF. MY. YES. i watched the entire show this summer and it is a film that is a perfect next-chapter-welcome-back-long-time-no-see for existing downton fans. a lot going on, but because i know the characters/storylines etc it was fine to keep up but i can see where non-downtoners may get lost. because of the fast pace and in/out/event1/event2/character here/character there it was a rollercoaster of a two hours in every exhilarating way possible (except for…