

Favorite films

  • Memento
  • The Usual Suspects
  • City of God

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  • Mars Express

  • Happy Feet

  • Mustang

  • Strange Darling

Recent reviews

  • Mars Express

    Mars Express

    Initially felt like a "Love, Death & Robots" installment, then played out like a tight police procedural with all the right sci fi noir elements. Very enjoyable with a simple aesthetic giving out some Blade Runner/Total Recall vibes as well.

  • Mustang


    A must watch for any child complaining about strict parents, having too many rules, or simply saying "not fair!" What a way to live, away from any possible perversions to simply prepare yourself for wifedom.

    Beautifully captures the essence of this mundane existence in a Turkish rural village with young adolescents and sisters along with some emotional wallops.

Popular reviews

  • Long Shot

    Long Shot

    Thank you LLL. Initially viewed as a sophomoric film I wanted nothing to do with. My curmudgeonry may be at an all-time high as I approach the 40 threshold. I've become too selective due to less time spent on movies, typically saving for highly acclaimed films or certain genres. But this was certainly a pleasant surprise.

    Maybe it was just the perfect lighthearted movie on a Friday night after a week of the unknown as we hunker down for an…

  • Athena


    Quite the fun and wild ride with an expansive set and constant rolling action. There's so much background commentary that's barely even touched upon. The focus instead is just an intense force of realistic long takes. The Greek orchestral sounds added to the drama/suspense.
