Zubayer Rahman

Zubayer Rahman Patron

Favorite films

  • Seven Samurai
  • High and Low
  • Oldboy
  • Drunken Master II

Recent activity

  • Righting Wrongs


  • Monsieur Hulot's Holiday


  • School for Postmen


  • Jour de Fête


Pinned reviews

  • Pyaasa



    Sometimes when I watch older films (especially older Indian films), they don't connect with me and I wonder what to rate it. For its technical achievement or how much I loved it not just appreciating it for its contribution to cinema. 

    Pyaasa is both, It's Impressive for its time and still hits hard today. The musical numbers are pretty great, this is vintage Bollywood at its best and the melodrama fits perfectly here. The cinematography is incredible, the shots are…

  • Demons



    Demons is one dark, twisted and haunting film. A film about violence and the consequences of being impatient (and many other actions), which is ironic since It’s slow but immensely rewarding. It rewards you for your patience by delivering in its brilliant storytelling. The true horror is in the actions, sins and crimes the characters commit. In what can be seen as being dreamlike through its constant repetition and the main character actually dreaming possible scenarios, it only makes sense…

Recent reviews

  • Righting Wrongs

    Righting Wrongs


    Out of the four cuts on the 88 films Blu-ray. I decided to go with the HK cut.

    Righting Wrongs is a great film, that is elevated by the insane action. The story is about a lawyer played by Yuen Biao who starts punishing criminals. The fights are what hold this film together for me. When an action set piece starts, it quickly escalates and continues to impress you. Close to the end I thought I was done being impressed…

  • Pather Panchali

    Pather Panchali


    One of the most impressive debuts I’ve seen. While I didn't love every scene, this is still a great film that thankfully, is now preserved.

Popular reviews

  • Audition



    Holy shit what a film.

    I’m not gonna talk about anything mostly because I think it’s best to go into this film blind. Legitimately nothing not even the genre. It’s the best viewing experience in my opinion. when I show people the film Im just gonna say it’s a romantic drama.

    I don’t know if it’s a ten yet, I’m probably gonna do an actual review of the film when I rewatch it which should be soon.

    Strong 9 for now.

  • Who Am I?

    Who Am I?


    Who am I? is a Jackie Cham film I grew up with and haven’t seen for the longest time and holy shit this is way better than I remember. The stunts and action are phenomenal. So incredibly memorable and diverse. Even the story is so much more fun than I remember. The dialogue and acting are hilarious, so many funny / slightly bad lines. The visual effects like explosions are dated which is so surprising because there are other Jackie…