Me being bored out of my mind for two and a half hours?
I could’ve just gotten this watching Super Bowl XLVIII in its entirety again.
Really, a brilliant depiction of being in that weird generationless 1994-98 or so birth year zone. We were minnows in the ocean for a moment in time on the internet that will never come close to being replicated. We still had those last vestiges of the old world — flip phones with the customized ringtones, AIM, etc. — and smartphones/social media weren’t yet the all-consuming entity that they are to teens today.
Chris is a couple years older than me,…
This doc makes me want to quit my job, go back to school, get an education degree, and become a high school history teacher just so I can show this in my class.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I strongly considered turning this off after the phone call scene with Selena Gomez and her side piece. For some reason I kept going.
The idea of a brutal cartel leader transitioning is, on its face, a hypothetical I’d expect a group chat of Daily Wire contributors to make up to clown on the woke Hollywood left. The fact they decided to make it a musical and went in the direction they did somehow manages to exceed the absurdity…