Papers by Faradila Meirisa
Publikasi Riset Mahasiswa Manajemen
Bandrek Jeger Bandung merupakan perencanaan pengembangan usaha bandrek di era newnormal dengan si... more Bandrek Jeger Bandung merupakan perencanaan pengembangan usaha bandrek di era newnormal dengan sistem penjualan menggunakan sebuah sepeda yang telah dimodifikasi sedemikian rupasebagai tempat usaha. Usaha ini berlokasi di Jalan angkatan 45 palembang. Promosi yang dilakukanmenggunakan media sosial yaitu instagram dan whatsapp. Berdasarkan aspek kelayakan usaha, makadidapatkan payback period selama 1 tahun 10 bulan 28 hari, net present value yang bernilai positif yaitu144.259.514, internal rate of return sebesar 45.24%, profitability index memenuhi syarat >1 yaitu2,13 dan accounting rate of return sebesar 234%. Dengan analisis tersebut maka dapat disimpulkanbahwa perencanaan pengembangan inovasi usaha bandrek dinyatakan layak untuk dijalankan danberprospek menguntungkan di masa mendatang
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Motivasi Yang Berdampak Pada Kinerja Karyawan](
This study aims to analyze the influence that leadership style directly influences employee perfo... more This study aims to analyze the influence that leadership style directly influences employee performance and work motivation, and can prove that work motivation has a direct effect on employee performance. The next goal is to find out that leadership style indirectly influences employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable. PT. XYZ is the object of this research. Determination of the sample is done by accidental sampling technique. The questionnaire was used as a means of collecting data distributed to employees who worked at PT. XYZ were 100 respondents. In this study using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Hypothesis testing uses t test and F test. The results of the study show that leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, leadership style has a positive and significant effect on work motivation, work motivation has a positive effect on employee performance, leadership style has a positive effect on employee ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Perilaku Herding dan Volatilitas IHSG terhadap Return Pasar di Bursa Efek Indonesia](
Jurnal Inspirasi Bisnis dan Manajemen
This study aims to determine the influence of herding behavior and JCI volatility on market retur... more This study aims to determine the influence of herding behavior and JCI volatility on market returns at Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2014-2018 period. This research applies quantitative research methods. The sample in this study was taken using a saturated sampling technique. The data in this study uses secondary data collected from various sources, such as the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Yahoo! Finance, Bloomberg and Reuters. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis to process data and test hypotheses. The results of this study found that herding behavior had a positive and significant effect on market returns, while the JCI volatility had a positive and significant effect on market returns. Further researchers are advised to add several other variables that can affect market returns, such as inflation rates, interest rates, and others.
Proceeding Annual National Conference for Economics and Economics Education Research, 2018
This study aims to analyze the quality of service to customer satisfaction Transmusi transportati... more This study aims to analyze the quality of service to customer satisfaction Transmusi transportation service users in Palembang City. The type of this research is quantitative descriptive research with data collection through distribution of questionnaires distributed to Trans Musi transportation service users. The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling with the number of 110 respondents. The analysis technique used multiple regression analysis where the service quality consist of tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and assurance variables influenced customer satisfaction 18,291 with 0,000 significant level. The most dominant variable of service quality influenced was empaty 2,749 while the variable that did not influence was tangible equal to 1,294 and reliability equal to-0,456. The results of this study have a determinant coefficient of 46.8%. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pengguna jasa transportasi Trans Musi di Kota Palembang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui pembagian kuisioner yang dibagikan kepada pengguna jasa transportasi Trans Musi. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah 110 responden.Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda dimana kualitas layanan yang terdiri dari variabel tangible, empaty, responsivenes, reliability,dan assurance sangat berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen sebesar 18,291 dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000. Variabel dari kualitas layanan yang paling dominan berpengaruh adalah empaty sebesar 2,749 sedangkan variabel yang tidak berpengaruh yaitu tangible sebesar 1,294 dan reliability sebesar-0,456. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki koefisien determinan sebesar 46,8%.
![Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Jasa Transportasi BRT Trans Musi Kota Palembang](
Vol 16 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Keuangan dan Bisnis Edisi Oktober 2018 , 2018
This research has a purpose to analyze consumer satisfaction of BRT Trans Musi transport... more Abstract
This research has a purpose to analyze consumer satisfaction of BRT Trans Musi transportation service users in Palembang City. Consumer satisfaction was measured through the quality of services provided by BRT Trans Musi consisting of tangible, empaty, responsiveness, reliability and assurance. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research with data collection through questionnaires distributed to BRT Trans Musi transportation service users. The sampling technique was carried out used purposive sampling with a total samples of 200 respondents using the BRT Trans Musi Palembang transportation service. The analysis of this research used multiple linear regression with the results of the research showed tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability and assurance simultaneously very influential on consumer satisfaction of BRT Trans Musi Palembang service in the amount of 48,550. The most dominant variable of service quality influential was Tangible of 5,623 while the empaty variable had no effect with a value of 0,801. This research had a determinant coefficient of 54.4%.
Keywords: BRT Trans Musi, Service Quality, Consumer Satisfaction
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Equity (ROE) terhadap Price Earning Ratio (PER) pada Perusahaan Consumer Goods yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2017](
Pasar modal melaksanakan dua fungsi yang memegang peranan penting bagi perekonomian suatu negara,... more Pasar modal melaksanakan dua fungsi yang memegang peranan penting bagi perekonomian suatu negara, yaitu sebagai sarana bagi pendanaan usaha dan sebagai sarana bagi perusahaan untuk memperoleh dana dari para investor dalam bentuk investasi. Investor menggunakan analisis fundamental untuk mempertimbangkan nilai intrinsik dari suatu saham dengan menggunakan data keuangan perusahaan. Dalam analisis fundamental, ada dua pendekatan yang bisa digunakan untuk menghitung nilai intrinsik saham, yaitu pendekatan nilai sekarang dan pendekatan Price Earning Ratio (PER). Perusahaan yang mempunyai pertumbuhan yang tinggi biasanya mempunyai nilai PER yang tinggi, demikian pula sebaliknya perusahaan dengan pertumbuhan yang rendah mempunyai PER yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity terhadap Price Earning Ratio baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 15 perusahaan consumer goods yang diambil menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menyatakan Current Ratio (CR) tidak berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap Price Earning Ratio (PER). Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) dan Return on Equity (ROE) berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap Price Earning Ratio (PER). Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), dan Return on Equity (ROE) berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap Price Earning Ratio (PER).
Kata Kunci: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, Price Earning Ratio
![Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Perbankan Metode Camels (Studi Kasus Pada Bank Milik Pemerintah Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2011 – 2015](
Abstact: According to the laws of the country the republic of indonesia number 10 years 1998 on 1... more Abstact: According to the laws of the country the republic of indonesia number 10 years 1998 on 10 november 1998 about banking, banks are business entities that are collecting fund from public in the form of saving and distribute it to people in the form of credit and others or forms In order to improve the economic situation of public. Therefor the soundness bank need to be given attention because it involved the interests of many parties, good for the users bank and for the owner. This discussed about the assessment of the level evaluation performance bank used the method of camels. Sample used in the research is banks a state-owned enrolled in the Indonesian stock exchange on period of the year 2011, 2012 ,2013, 2014, and 2015. The assessment of the level evaluation performance of bank in terms of components car, non-performing loans, bopo, nim, roa, roe, ldr and sensitivity to risk market. Overall the bank in a stable condition and have a minimum from bank indonesia. One of the banks that is PT. BTN (persero) Tbk lacks in controlling credit and can be seen from its position the ratio and ROA, this was due to because of loan defaults in the bank. Keywords: bank, CAMELS, the assessment evaluation performance of bank.
Capital markets implement two functions that play an important role for the economy of a country,... more Capital markets implement two functions that play an important role for the economy of a country, namely as a means for funding efforts and as a means for companies to obtain funds from investors in the form of investment. Investors using fundamental analysis to consider the intrinsic value of a stock by using company's financial data. In fundamental analysis, there are two approaches that can be used to calculate intrinsic value of the stock, i.e., present value approach and Price Earning Ratio (PER)approach. Companies that have high growth usually have a high value PER, and vice versa with a low growth company has a low PER. This research aims to analyze the effect of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity to Price Earning Ratio either partially or simultaneous. The sample used in this study as many as 15 consumer goods company that was taken using a purposive sampling method. This research using multiple linear regression analysis. Results of the study stated the Current Ratio (CR) has no effect against a partially significant Price Earning Ratio (PER). Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Equity (ROE) effect significantly partially against the Price Earning Ratio (PER). Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and Return on Equity (ROE) of significant effect simultaneously against the Price Earning Ratio (PER). Keywords: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, Price Earning Ratio. Abstrak: Pasar modal melaksanakan dua fungsi yang memegang peranan penting bagi perekonomian suatu negara, yaitu sebagai sarana bagi pendanaan usaha dan sebagai sarana bagi perusahaan untuk memperoleh dana dari para investor dalam bentuk investasi. Investor menggunakan analisis fundamental untuk mempertimbangkan nilai intrinsik dari suatu saham dengan menggunakan data keuangan perusahaan. Dalam analisis fundamental, ada dua pendekatan yang bisa digunakan untuk menghitung nilai intrinsik saham, yaitu pendekatan nilai sekarang dan pendekatan Price Earning Ratio (PER). Perusahaan yang mempunyai pertumbuhan yang tinggi biasanya mempunyai nilai PER yang tinggi, demikian pula sebaliknya perusahaan dengan pertumbuhan yang rendah mempunyai PER yang rendah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equityterhadap Price Earning Ratiobaik secara parsial maupun simultan. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 15 perusahaan consumer goods yang diambil menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menyatakan Current Ratio (CR) tidak berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap Price Earning Ratio (PER).Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) dan Return on Equity (ROE)berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap Price Earning Ratio (PER).Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), dan Return on Equity (ROE) berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap Price Earning Ratio (PER). Kata kunci: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, Price Earning Ratio.
Papers by Faradila Meirisa
This research has a purpose to analyze consumer satisfaction of BRT Trans Musi transportation service users in Palembang City. Consumer satisfaction was measured through the quality of services provided by BRT Trans Musi consisting of tangible, empaty, responsiveness, reliability and assurance. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research with data collection through questionnaires distributed to BRT Trans Musi transportation service users. The sampling technique was carried out used purposive sampling with a total samples of 200 respondents using the BRT Trans Musi Palembang transportation service. The analysis of this research used multiple linear regression with the results of the research showed tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability and assurance simultaneously very influential on consumer satisfaction of BRT Trans Musi Palembang service in the amount of 48,550. The most dominant variable of service quality influential was Tangible of 5,623 while the empaty variable had no effect with a value of 0,801. This research had a determinant coefficient of 54.4%.
Keywords: BRT Trans Musi, Service Quality, Consumer Satisfaction
Kata Kunci: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, Price Earning Ratio
This research has a purpose to analyze consumer satisfaction of BRT Trans Musi transportation service users in Palembang City. Consumer satisfaction was measured through the quality of services provided by BRT Trans Musi consisting of tangible, empaty, responsiveness, reliability and assurance. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research with data collection through questionnaires distributed to BRT Trans Musi transportation service users. The sampling technique was carried out used purposive sampling with a total samples of 200 respondents using the BRT Trans Musi Palembang transportation service. The analysis of this research used multiple linear regression with the results of the research showed tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability and assurance simultaneously very influential on consumer satisfaction of BRT Trans Musi Palembang service in the amount of 48,550. The most dominant variable of service quality influential was Tangible of 5,623 while the empaty variable had no effect with a value of 0,801. This research had a determinant coefficient of 54.4%.
Keywords: BRT Trans Musi, Service Quality, Consumer Satisfaction
Kata Kunci: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, Price Earning Ratio