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O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar, com base em uma pesquisa de história legislativa e história do pensamento econômico, se houve uma “revolução do antitruste” no Brasil. A tese da “revolução do antitruste” parte do pressuposto de que,... more
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      Competition LawAntitrust (Law)Economic LawHistória do Brasil
The entry into force of the World Trade Organization (WTO) TRIPS Agreement in 1995 transformed the international intellectual property system. The harmonization of basic intellectual property standards has operated to protect investment... more
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      LawIntellectual PropertyInternational TradeHealth Care
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
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    •   169  
      Economic HistoryPsychologyApplied PsychologyBehavioural Science
The killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhou reportedly by agents of Israel‟s Mossad service in Dubai a year ago1 serves as a quick reminder that extrajudicial executions, assassinations and other targeted killing operations are taking place and are... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawEthicsInternational Law
The policy path through the many facts and circumstances which have good or bad effects on world economic situations, and thus on international economic law, is extraordinarily complex and unclear. This 'landscape' truly needs some... more
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      LawEconomic Law
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      CriminologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTerrorism
A descoberta de vastas reservas de petróleo na plataforma continental brasileira, denominada pré-sal, elevará o país a um novo patamar no mercado energético mundial, tornando-o um dos maiores produtores e exportadores desta commodity.... more
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      Law and DevelopmentEconomic Law
Adanya perjanjian jual beli emas antara Budi Said selaku pembeli dan Eksi Anggraeni selaku penjual. Eksi Anggraeni menjual emas dengan berat 7 ton di bawah harga resmi dari sebuah perusahaan yang bernama PT ANTAM. Namun, Eksi Anggraeni... more
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      Law and EconomicsBusiness LawEconomic LawHukum Bisnis
Technology has positively contributed to the creation of financial markets and the facilitation of payments globally. The effective use of robust technology could enhance the consistent enforcement of financial market laws by curbing... more
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      FinanceDevelopment EconomicsCorporate LawSecurities Law
Considering the law as a social phenomenon intrinsic to political economy is key to engaging the work in this new volume of scholarly articles edited by Professor Poul Kjaer – The Law of Political Economy: Transformation in the Function... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationSociology of LawInternational Law
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      LawInsurance LawEconomic Law
Ekonomi kreatif sebagai suatu terobosan dan langkah solutif yang adaptif dalam membantu percepatan pemulihan serta pembangunan ekonomi nasional pasca Pandemi COVID-19.
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      LawLaw and EconomicsEconomic LawHukum
‘The idea of regulating the activities of MNEs through international law sounds attractive. Yet this idea is fraught with problems, since many people question the effectiveness of the international legal system in regulating powerful... more
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      Law and EconomicsInternational economic lawEconomic Law
Tesis de licenciatura presentada por Lutz Alexander Keferstein Caballero al sínodo respectivo de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, campus Aragón. Primera tesis en la Historia de la Facultad de Derecho... more
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      GlobalizationInternational Political EconomyLaw and PoliticsLaw and Economics
SINOPSIS El manejo del dinero y de las crisis cambiarias y monetarias está vinculado por un factor común: la confianza en el valor del dinero establecido como moneda de curso legal en un país, así como en la confianza de que el Estado... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceLaw and EconomicsLegislative DraftingInstitutions and Economic growth
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
While principles of non-discrimination amount to key constitutional principles in trade regulation, most-favoured nation (MFN) and national treatment are virtually absent in financial regulation except for the General Agreement on Trade... more
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      LawEconomic LawFinancial RegulationSocial Development
To θέμα της μεταβίβασης της επιχείρησης και της ευθύνης του αποκτώντος αποτελεί αντικείμενο συνεχών επιστημονικών συζητήσεων, που οφείλονται αφενός μεν στην έλλειψη πλήρους νομοθετικής ρυθμίσεως του όλου ζητήματος και αφετέρου στις... more
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      Corporations (Law)Corporate LawCommercial LawEconomic Law
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      Islamic LawCivil LawEconomic Law
A survey of 159 embedded and unilateral journalists who covered the Iraq War revealed differences between perceptions of coverage by embeds and that of unilaterals.
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      CriminologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTerrorism
Intelligence analysis is a decision-making process rife with ambiguous, conflicting, irrelevant, important, and excessive information. The U.S. Intelligence Community is primed for psychology to lend its voice to the "analytic... more
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      CriminologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTerrorism
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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    •   1597  
      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
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    •   27  
      CriminologyInternational RelationsInternational RelationsEthics
Le cœur de l'ouvrage consiste en une présentation de la prohibition d'exploiter des informations d'initiés en droit américain, en droit européen ainsi que, de façon approfondie, en droit suisse. La partie de droit suisse traite autant... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean LawBanking LawEconomic Law
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    • Economic Law
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      LawEconomic Law
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesUrban And Regional Planning
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      Organizational BehaviorEthicsInternational LawCompetition Law
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      LawEconomic LawFood SecurityGlobal Economy
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      LawInternational economic lawEconomic Law
"Cosmopolitanism in international affairs is a body of thinking and practice committed to building a more just and sustainable international order, but it has never been systematically applied to the question or practice of security. This... more
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      Critical TheoryEntrepreneurshipCriminologyLaw
ABSTRACT: This paper will examine the institutional structure of financial regulation in the UK and consider whether the UK is adopting an optimal institutional structure through its use of the ‘twin peaks’ model. An analysis of each of... more
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      Comparative LawInternational LawInternational Financial LawEconomic Law
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      LawInternational TradeEconomic Law
ІТ право: проблеми і перспективи розвитку в Україні: збірник матеріалів ІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (17 листопада 2017 р.).
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      LawCriminal LawComparative LawConstitutional Law
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
Chapter 13, Kevin H. Govern: OPERATION NEPTUNE SPEAR: WAS KILLING BIN LADEN A LEGITIMATE MILITARY OBJECTIVE? My assertion in this chapter is that bin Laden was a legitimate military target, and that the decision-makers involved in his... more
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      CriminologyLawMilitary LawInternational Relations
Isaidat Law Review covers all aspects of comparative and transnational law. It is also dedicated to the neighbouring fields of legal anthropology, law and language, law and arts, law and the cognitive sciences, as well as to the dialogue... more
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      LawComparative LawCivil LawLaw and Politics
Esta labor personal de investigación, cuyo resultado ha sido publicado en el año 2016 por el Anuario de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado, tenía por objetivo contribuir al progreso real del conocimiento en España en un tema en que las... more
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      BusinessReligionSociology of ReligionInternational Relations
The aim of the article is the analysis of the legal framework for conducting business activity by sports clubs in the Polish legal order. First, the author determines the characteristic features of sports market, then attempts to... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSports LawCommercial LawEconomic Law
Este artigo possui como objetivo principal abordar as relações entre a inflação e a desigualdade social no Brasil, para ao final esclarecer como a economia e o direito se interseccionam em prol da redução das desigualdades sociais, a... more
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      Social JusticeLaw and EconomicsEconomic LawInflation
Digital markets are a reality and the way competition law deals with them are subject of dispute in the literature.
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      Competition LawAntitrust (Law)Economical Analysis of LawLaw and Economics
The use of drones and other forms of targeted killings are being increasingly criticized at the international and domestic level. Before the backdrop of the most recent news that the United Nations has launched an inquiry into the overall... more
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      CriminologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTerrorism
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      CriminologyInternational RelationsInternational RelationsEthics
Lahirnya Undang-undangNomor 7 Tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan, yang mana dalam undang-undang tersebut, bank syariah disebut sebagai bank dengan sistem bagi hasil. Lalu, pada tahun 1998, disahkanlah Undang-undang Nomor 10Tahun 1998 tentang... more
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      Economic LawGold MineralizationEkonomi Syariah
Dieser Beitrag behandelt die Herausbildung eines wesentlichen Elements der österreichischen Sicherheitsarchitektur: Des Einsatzkommandos Cobra (EKO-Cobra). Seine Entstehung war eine direkte Folge der Konfrontation Österreichs mit dem... more
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      CriminologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTerrorism
Expert report submitted to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia regarding the statistical reliability of estimated relationships between the deaths and migration of Kosovo Albanians and the activities of NATO and... more
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      CriminologyEthicsStatisticsPhilosophy Of Religion
Armed groups have distinct personalities as organizations and in an age of "franchise terrorism" where the "brand" associated with a given terrorist group can inspire copycat violence, human rights defenders must engage narratives as well... more
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      CriminologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTerrorism
The law of political economy is a contentious ideological field characterised by antagonistic relations between scholarly positions which tend to be either affirmative or critical of capitalism. Going beyond this schism, two particular... more
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      Economic HistoryInternational EconomicsPolitical EconomyEuropean Law