FOR REVIEW JOURNALS by Restya Puspa Pertiwi
Based on theories and previous studies on online communication, we proposed two hypotheses to bet... more Based on theories and previous studies on online communication, we proposed two hypotheses to better understand the effects of online communication on subjective well-being with a sample of Chinese adolescents (n = 190). The results of liner regression analysis found that online communication was positively related to adoles-cents' subjective well-being. For boys, the coefficient of determination of online communication on subjective well-being was .143, and for girls the coefficient of determination was .040, indicating that boys benefit more from online communication than do girls.
![Research paper thumbnail of Maternal Trauma and Adolescent Depression: Is Parenting Style a Moderator](
Current research suggests that parents who experience symptoms of trauma transfer distress to the... more Current research suggests that parents who experience symptoms of trauma transfer distress to their children. The purpose of this study was to understand the possible moderating effect of mothers' parenting style on this relationship for adolescents. This study differs from much of the existing literature in that the adolescents themselves are the reporters of their own well-being. The level of maternal trauma, use of parenting styles, and adolescent depression were examined for a clinical sample of 113 mothers and adolescent dyads. Results indicate that mothers who experience high levels of trauma symptoms are more likely to parent using authoritarian or permissive behaviors. Although mother's level of trauma alone was not related to adolescent's depression , an interaction was found such that mothers experiencing high levels of trauma symptoms who parented with an authoritarian style had adolescents who experienced more depression than those whose mothers were less authoritarian. These findings are discussed in light of the larger literature on " secondary trauma " , or the transfer of distress, which often focuses on young children , with mothers as the reporters of both their own and their children's functioning. Clinical implications are also considered.
![Research paper thumbnail of Sleep Spindle Activity and Cognitive](
To investigate the association between indices of sleep spindle activity and cognitive performanc... more To investigate the association between indices of sleep spindle activity and cognitive performance in a sample of healthy children. Design: Correlational. Intelligence (Stanford-Binet) and neurocognitive functioning (NEPSY) were assessed, with sleep variables being measured during overnight polysomnography. Setting: Hospital sleep laboratory. Participants: Twenty-seven healthy children (mean age 8.19 y; 14 female, 13 male). Interventions: N/A. Measurements and Results: Participants underwent a single night of overnight polysomnography after completing measures of intelligence and neurocognitive functioning. Sleep spindles were visually identified by an experienced sleep scoring technician and separated algorithmically into fast (> 13 Hz) and slow spindle (< 13 Hz) categories. The number of fast spindles was significantly correlated with narrative memory (r s = 0.38) and sensorimotor functioning (-0.43). Mean central frequency of spindles was also significantly correlated with sensorimotor functioning (-0.41), planning ability (-0.41), and working memory (-0.54). Conclusions: Basal sleep spindle activity is associated with different aspects of cognitive performance in children. To the extent that these associations in a pediatric population are different from what is known in adult sleep may play an important role in development.
Jung. A core theme in their relationship has been identified as deception, which appears to be co... more Jung. A core theme in their relationship has been identified as deception, which appears to be correlated with and perhaps the cause of the end of their association. Incidences of mistrust and distrust have been detailed and discussed.
TUGAS - TUGAS by Restya Puspa Pertiwi
Disusun Oleh : Jonson Siagian, Nurmalasari, Restya Puspa Pertiwi
![Research paper thumbnail of RANGKUMAN AGRESI 2](
Agresi (aggression) berarti penyerangan, serangan; yakni suatu keinginan menyerang orang lain yan... more Agresi (aggression) berarti penyerangan, serangan; yakni suatu keinginan menyerang orang lain yang menghalangi tercapainya suatu tujuan. Atau lebih lagi, agresi ialah segala perbuatan yang dimaksudkan sebagai serangan terhadap orang lain dan juga bersifat permusuhan. Agresi tidak hanya terdapat di antara bangsa-bangsa seperti lazim kita kenal dalam sejarah, suatu bangsa menyerang bangsa lain, tetapi juga antara sesama manusia. Agresi biasanya didefinisikan sebagai perilaku yang dimaksudkan untuk melukai orang lain (secara fisik atau verbal) atau merusak harta benda. Kata kunci dalam definisi ini adalah maksud. Jika seseorang secara tidak sengaja menginjak kaki anda di sebuah tangga berjalan yang penuh sesak dan segera meminta maaf, anda tidak dapat mencap perilakunya agresif. Jika seseorang berjalan menuju ke arah anda, pada saat anda duduk dibangku belajar, dan menginjak kaki anda, tentu anda akan sangat marah terhadap tindakan agresif yang terang-terangan tersebut. Tetapi, tindakan agresif yang disengaja pun bisa merupakan suatu tujuan di samping mengakibatkan luka.
Ada fase-fase psikologis yang harus dilalui tiap individu. Antara lain fase psikoseksual yaitu ta... more Ada fase-fase psikologis yang harus dilalui tiap individu. Antara lain fase psikoseksual yaitu tahap-tahap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fungsi seksual yang dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan psikologis individu tersebut. Tiap individu akan mengalami fase/tahap psikoseksual dalam tiap tahap perkembangan umurnya (0-18 tahun). Bila individu tersebut gagal melewati suatu masa yang harus dilaluinya sesuai dengan tahap perkembangannya maka akan terjadi gangguan pada diri orang tersebut.
Makalah pemenuhan tugas matakuliah BIOPSIKOLOGI
![Research paper thumbnail of REVIU ARTIKEL JURNAL SLEEP QUALITY](
RESTYA PUSPA PERTIWI (46114120132) Judul jurnal Sleep quality, sleep patterns and consumption of ... more RESTYA PUSPA PERTIWI (46114120132) Judul jurnal Sleep quality, sleep patterns and consumption of energy drinks and other caffeinated beverages among Peruvian college students Tahun 2013, Vol.5, No.8A2, 26-35 Penerbit Creative Commons Attribution License Latar belakang Mahasiswa cenderung untuk menjaga jadwal tidur yang lebih pendek dan memiliki pola tidur yang tidak teratur karena mereka berusaha untuk mengkompensasi untuk waktu kurang tidur atau utang tidur yang berhubungan dengan prestasi akademik yang lebih buruk dan peningkatan gejala depresi. Untuk mengimbangi kurang tidur, mahasiswa saat ini tampaknya mengembangkan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari ketergantungan pada minuman energi dan minuman berkafein lainnya yang berkelanjutan sampai masa dewasa. Landasan teori Kurang tidur dan utang tidur diketahui menyebabkan pola tidur yang tidak teratur, kantuk di siang hari, kelelahan, tidak perhatian dan peningkatan risiko obesitas, diabetes, penyakit jantung, hipertensi, gangguan mood, penyalahgunaan zat dan masalah kesehatan lainnya. Kurang tidur (≤7 jam per malam) dapat memiliki efek negatif yang berlangsung pada kardiovaskular, endokrin, sistem kekebalan tubuh dan saraf. Minuman energi mengandung kafein sebagai bahan utama dan zat-zat lain seperti guarana (mengandung Guarana, mirip dengan kafein), taurin (asam amino) dan turunannya gula. Kafein telah terbukti memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku, kognitif dan efek kesehatan baik positif maupun negatif tergantung pada jumlah yang dikonsumsi. Bila dikonsumsi secara berlebihan, kafein dapat mengganggu tidur. Konsumsi kafein secara signifikan mengurangi waktu tidur, memperpanjang onset dirasakan saat tidur, dan mengganggu kualitas tidur. Hipotesis/ pertanyaan penelitian
PPTx by Restya Puspa Pertiwi
Tugas Pengantar Psikodiagnostik
adalah sebuah perilaku terarah yang ditujukan untuk memberikan kesakitan fisik maupun psikologis ... more adalah sebuah perilaku terarah yang ditujukan untuk memberikan kesakitan fisik maupun psikologis (Aronson, 2006).
FOR REVIEW JOURNALS by Restya Puspa Pertiwi
TUGAS - TUGAS by Restya Puspa Pertiwi
PPTx by Restya Puspa Pertiwi