Papers by Dr. Mool Raj
![Research paper thumbnail of Digital Media Skills among Different Stakeholders and their Attitude towards MOOCs in Higher Education Institutions](
Journal of Educational Science and Technology, 2024
This study aims to examine the digital media skills among different stakeholders in higher educat... more This study aims to examine the digital media skills among different stakeholders in higher education institutions in relation to their gender, age and qualifications as well as their attitude towards MOOCs. A descriptive survey method was used for the study. The sample consists of 1478 stakeholders (1278 students, 90 teachers, 107 parents and 3 administrators) from different higher education institutions of Jammu region selected using simple random sampling. The data has been collected by employing two self-constructed tools namely the Digital Media Skill Scale (DMSS) and the Attitude Towards MOOCs Scale (ATMS). Findings show that all the stakeholders have good digital media skills. Male stakeholders were found to have better digital media skills than female stakeholders. There was no significant difference in the skills regarding digital media as far as the qualification of stakeholders is concerned. Younger stakeholders (less than 30 years of age) were found to have better skills than older ones. Teachers were found to be better than students, students were found to be better than administrators and parents. Regarding the attitude towards MOOCs, all stakeholders were found to have a positive attitude. No significant gender, as well as qualification differences, emerged with respect to their attitude towards MOOCs. Younger stakeholders (less than 30 years of age) were found to have more positive attitudes towards MOOCs than older ones. Teachers were found to have better attitudes towards MOOCs than students and students were found to have better attitudes than administrators and parents.
2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)
![Research paper thumbnail of Role of Digital Media in Building World Class Institutions with Special Reference to Teaching-Learning: A Survey](
European Journal of Education Studies
The study aims to understand the role of digital media in building world class institutions with ... more The study aims to understand the role of digital media in building world class institutions with special reference to teaching-learning in higher education institutions of Jammu city and their adjoining areas. A descriptive survey method was used for conducting the study. The sample consists of 1478 stakeholders i.e., students, teachers and administrators who were associated with the higher education institutions. The findings of the research reveal that stakeholders have a high level of awareness about various digital media initiatives such as SWAYAM, MOOCs, Swayam Prabha, e-PG Pathshala etc. Results show that 96.9% of stakeholders accessed YouTube for teaching and learning activities and 60.3% of stakeholders considered the SWAYAM Platform for pursuing MOOCs. The stakeholders faced several problems while using digital media in higher education. Lack of knowledge, skills, poor internet speed, the shift from one media to another, affordability of devices, accessibility of informatio...
![Research paper thumbnail of An Online Survey of the Problems Being Faced by Students and Teachers in Higher Education with Special Reference to Jammu Region](
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends & Practices, 2021
In the present paper results from an online survey have been reported. The study was conducted to... more In the present paper results from an online survey have been reported. The study was conducted to identify the problems being faced by the teachers and students working/enrolled in institutions of higher education in Jammu region. The survey involved a sample of 350 students and 50 teachers (total 400), selected randomly from a population of 4000 community members both students and teachers who were enrolled as members of a social media platform Educational Community. For the purpose of conducting survey, two questionnaires, one meant for students and the other for teachers were constructed and uploaded on Survey Monkey website for administration. The participants were free to respond through the use of desktop computers, laptops, tablet/iPads, smart phones etc. The responses were later analysed. Students and teachers were able to identify different problems they were facing while receiving/imparting education in higher education institutions. These were ranked in order of magnitude...
![Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Social Networking Sites and Other Services for Learning among College Youth](
European Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 2021
Most of the college youth believe that the social networking sites and other streaming services f... more Most of the college youth believe that the social networking sites and other streaming services facilitate the learning process. The purpose of the present research study was to assess the attitudes of college youth towards social networking sites and utilising other services such as YouTube etc. as tools for education. The sample for the study were selected randomly and included 180 college youth studying in Government Degree colleges of Jammu, India. Data were collected through survey method and self-prepared tool which was used to assess the attitude of college youth towards social networking sites and other services as a tool for education. Findings revealed that YouTube is used by a large number of users as compared to WhatsApp and Facebook. Majority of the undergraduate youth are using YouTube videos, WhatsApp messenger and LinkedIn for viewing and sharing educational content. It was also found that male college youth used more of LinkedIn and Twitter, while female college you...
Educational Quest- An International Journal of Education and Applied Social Sciences, 2015
European Journal of Education Studies, 2022
The study aims to understand the role of digital media in building world class institutions with ... more The study aims to understand the role of digital media in building world class institutions with special reference to teaching-learning in higher education institutions of Jammu city and their adjoining areas. A descriptive survey method was used for conducting the study. The sample consists of 1478 stakeholders i.e., students, teachers and administrators who were associated with the higher education institutions. The findings of the research reveal that stakeholders have a high level of awareness about various digital media initiatives such as SWAYAM, MOOCs, Swayam Prabha, e-PG Pathshala etc. Results show that 96.9% of stakeholders accessed YouTube for teaching and learning activities and 60.3% of stakeholders considered the SWAYAM Platform for pursuing MOOCs. The stakeholders faced several problems while using digital media in higher education. Lack of knowledge, skills, poor internet speed, the shift from one media to another, affordability of devices, accessibility of information, lack of effective collaborations, teacher's reluctance and political influence on institutions are the problems which are currently being faced by more than 50% of the stakeholders.
![Research paper thumbnail of Study of Opinions Related to the Use of Bio- Enabled Attendance System for Improving Punctuality Among Teachers](
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends & Practices, 2021
The study aims to assess the extent of use and adequacy of using the bio-enabled attendance syste... more The study aims to assess the extent of use and adequacy of using the bio-enabled attendance system in educational institutions to develop punctuality among teachers. A fingerprint-based attendance monitoring system was used for this purpose. The sample comprises 70 teachers from an institution where a bio-enabled attendance machine was being used. The investigators collected teachers’ opinions towards using a bio-enabled attendance system for improving their punctuality with the help of a self-prepared questionnaire. The findings reveal that there is a significant difference in the teachers’ opinions towards the use of a bio-enabled attendance system with regards to their residential background and medium of teaching. There is no significant difference in the opinion of the teachers towards the use of a bio-enabled attendance system concerning their gender, computer training and teaching subjects. The results also show that the bio-enabled attendance system contributes towards impro...
![Research paper thumbnail of Attitude of Teacher Trainees Towards Learning Through Powerpoint: A Case Study](
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends & Practices, 2021
Educational technology and its use in Education are increasing day by day. It has completely chan... more Educational technology and its use in Education are increasing day by day. It has completely changed our mode of teaching and learning. Use of computer assisted teaching, audio visual aids, PowerPoint presentations etc. have found their place in every institution of the world. Most of the teachers believe that use of Power Point in the teacher training colleges has made the teaching-learning process more interactive and dynamic. This paper is based upon a study conducted to know the attitudes of teacher trainees towards PowerPoint presentations and its use in a teaching -learning context. A questionnaire on attitude towards Power Point was prepared by the investigators and administered to a sample of 200 teacher trainees in Jammu. It was found that teaching through PowerPoint enabled classrooms to be interesting and motivating for both teachers and learners. However, no significant differences were found to exist between scores obtained on attitudes towards PowerPoint on the basis o...
![Research paper thumbnail of The use of social networking sites and other services for learning among college youth](
European Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 2021
Most of the college youth believe that the social networking sites and other streaming services f... more Most of the college youth believe that the social networking sites and other streaming services facilitate the learning process. The purpose of the present research study was to assess the attitudes of college youth towards social networking sites and utilising other services such as YouTube etc. as tools for education. The sample for the study were selected randomly and included 180 college youth studying in Government Degree colleges of Jammu, India. Data were collected through survey method and self-prepared tool which was used to assess the attitude of college youth towards social networking sites and other services as a tool for education. Findings revealed that YouTube is used by a large number of users as compared to WhatsApp and Facebook. Majority of the undergraduate youth are using YouTube videos, WhatsApp messenger and LinkedIn for viewing and sharing educational content. It was also found that male college youth used more of LinkedIn and Twitter, while female college you...
In the present paper results from an online survey have been reported. The study was conducted to... more In the present paper results from an online survey have been reported. The study was conducted to identify the problems being faced by the teachers and students working/enrolled in institutions of higher education in Jammu region. The survey involved a sample of 350 students and 50 teachers (total 400), selected randomly from a population of 4000 community members both students and teachers who were enrolled as members of a social media platform Educational Community. For the purpose of conducting survey, two questionnaires, one meant for students and the other for teachers were constructed and uploaded on Survey Monkey website for administration. The participants were free to respond through the use of desktop computers, laptops, tablet/iPads, smart phones etc. The responses were later analysed. Students and teachers were able to identify different problems they were facing while receiving/imparting education in higher education institutions. These were ranked in order of magnitude. The main problems in case of students were lengthy courses/curriculum for studying, long distance between institution and residence, inability to express ideas, less or no financial-aid/scholarships, lack of communication skills, financial problems in the family, etc. Problems reported by teachers were regarding the salary, workload, job insecurity etc. The results highlight the need to conduct such surveys periodically so that the problems faced by the major stakeholders in higher education can be identified and solutions provided to raise the quality of higher education in different regions.
Educational technology and its use in Education are increasing day by day. It has completely chan... more Educational technology and its use in Education are increasing day by day. It has completely changed our mode of teaching and learning. Use of computer assisted teaching, audio visual aids, PowerPoint presentations etc. have found their place in every institution of the world. Most of the teachers believe that use of Power Point in the teacher training colleges has made the teaching-learning process more interactive and dynamic. This paper is based upon a study conducted to know the attitudes of teacher trainees towards PowerPoint presentations and its use in a teaching -learning context. A questionnaire on attitude towards Power Point was prepared by the investigators and administered to a sample of 200 teacher trainees in Jammu. It was found that teaching through PowerPoint enabled classrooms to be interesting and motivating for both teachers and learners. However, no significant differences were found to exist between scores obtained on attitudes towards PowerPoint on the basis of gender, residential background, computer training and teaching subjects respectively. Nevertheless, teacher trainees exhibited favourable and positive attitude towards the use of PowerPoint for teaching at the B.Ed. level.
![Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Electronic Classroom for Teaching General Science at Secondary School Level](
This paper is based on a research to understand the effectiveness of a new teaching methodology i... more This paper is based on a research to understand the effectiveness of a new teaching methodology i.e. an ‘Electronic Classroom’ adopted by the teachers in a school for teaching General Science. In this study, a Students Questionnaire on Effectiveness of Electronic Classroom (SQEEC) was developed and validated on a selected sample of students from a secondary school where this technology has been introduced and implemented for teaching and learning. The paper provides the background information related to the setup of an electronic classroom and its importance in the teaching of General Science. SQEEC was found to be a reliable and valid tool for assessing the effectiveness of the electronic classroom. Results of the study show that the electronic classroom as a methodology was found to be effective for teaching General Science in terms of improved achievement levels of the students and on the basis of their grade and age levels. However, no significant differences were found to exist...
articles by Dr. Mool Raj
incollections by Dr. Mool Raj
Papers by Dr. Mool Raj
articles by Dr. Mool Raj
incollections by Dr. Mool Raj