+ MUSE Alert

About this Journal

Advertising Information

Print Circulation: 500, 35% individuals, 65% institutions, 60% domestic, 40% foreign

Audience: Asia/Pacific archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists

Ad deadlines:
Spring (March) issue due January 1
Fall (September) issue due July 1
Space reservations encouraged
All advertisements subject to editorial approval

Full page (5"x 8") - $200 US
Half page, horizontal (5"x 3-3/4") - $125 US
Agency discount: 15%
Payment due 45 days from date of invoice

Mechanical requirements/specifications:
Camera-ready ad copy or Negative:
right-reading, emulsion side down
133 linescreen on halftones
No positive or bleeds
Offset printed in black ink, perfect bound
Trim size: 7"x 10"

Norman Kaneshiro
Journals Advertising Manager
University of Hawaii Press
2840 Kolowalu St.
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: 808-956-8833
Fax: 808-988-6052
Email: uhpjourn@hawaii.edu

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