Wishing you luck with your thesis ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ fwiw, I think most people have regrets when they're in the thick of it, so others have been in your boat too if it's any consolation ;w;
thank you Sarah T-T nebulous mutual suffering is the only thing that's gonna get me through this lolol
thank you!! added my latest cd of theirs I got + re-ranked my favourite stop making sense performances after a rewatch lol
Wait I've never seen your Talking Heads shrine, it looks just wonderful * __ * the music player and layout is so well done, I'm excited to sit through and read through everything!!
NVM crisis averted!!! went out and bought an australian charger instead of running my US one through an adapter. that method worked all last year so idk what changed but whatever! (thank you though!)
license plates... they're all around you!