Papers by Đorđević, Jasmina
Metodički vidici, 1970
Translation in general and consecutive interpreting in particular, are both a process and a produ... more Translation in general and consecutive interpreting in particular, are both a process and a product dependent upon the language competence of the translator in at least two language systems, obviously based on the translatorʼs comprehensive knowledge of words, phrases and sentences in the two languages. The aim of this article is not to argue or support this claim, but rather to emphasise the necessity that the consecutive interpreter extend the said language competence and acquire the skill of linguistic analysis beyond the level of words, phrases and sentences -the domain of text and discourse. Already established in general linguistics as essential, text and discourse are related to translation and to consecutive interpreting as well. Recognition of pragmatically coherent patterns used in language and speech and their proper analysis may enable anticipation of yet new patterns and thus help the consecutive interpreter render the translated discourse faster, more coherently and more accurately. Hence the purpose of this article: to emphasise the importance of training interpreters to apply discourse analysis in the area of consecutive interpreting by illustrating some key translator training techniques to facilitate the skill. Although the implementation of these strategies would be much more effective if integrated into a methodologically structured course, they can be used as individual exercises for practice purposes as well.
Perspectives, Sep 29, 2020
The aim of this study is to explore whether multimodality can contribute to the recognition of er... more The aim of this study is to explore whether multimodality can contribute to the recognition of errors in the translations of animated films. The primary assumption is that the presentation of a multimodal product will yield better results than a monomodal product. Excerpted translations of animated films were presented to a group of English and a group of Serbian language students, once as a monomodal product (transcript) and once as a multimodal product (dubbed video). Besides confirming that the multimodal product facilitates error recognition, the research showed that multimodal analysis may be a proposed approach during the training of translators in Serbia since some of them will be translating animated films in the production and localisation process in the Serbian animated film industry. Two main reasons support this conclusion: (1) a multimodal approach may provide a more accurate transfer of all the layers in an animated film and (2) it guarantees a better quality of the translation of the language in the animated film.
Filozofski fakultet u Nišu eBooks, Apr 23, 2023
International instruments have long recognized the power of languages and established measures to... more International instruments have long recognized the power of languages and established measures to mitigate and prevent the harm of language deprivation. Indeed, linguistic rights have increasingly been recognized as human rights. In a number of contexts, the effective realization of the most basic linguistic rights depends on the translation from a minority to a dominant language. Legal proceedings are an example, and the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 6) enshrines the right to interpretation and translation for those who do not speak or understand the language of the proceedings. However, monolingual ideologies still loom large on societies, resulting in a number of inadequacies that deprive the speakers of languages socially classified as minor of the necessary resources to enjoy their rights. This contribution will tackle two different contexts, Kosovo, and the Valencian country. Despite the legal obligation to avoid discrimination of speakers of non-dominant languages, judiciary practices discourage and endanger the maintenance and development of the regional and minority languages in both settings. This chapter addresses the lack of maturity of judiciary translation policies focusing on the accuracy, quality, and availability of translation, or lack thereof. In that way, we will show that from translator training to quality standards, societies' preparedness vis-à-vis their increasing diversity requires improvement.
The Translator
Most translation tasks in the entertainment industry involve multiple modes of communication, i.e... more Most translation tasks in the entertainment industry involve multiple modes of communication, i.e. they are multimodal, not solely language-based. A translator is expected to analyse, evaluate and transfer each of those modes to render an accurate translation of the source text. This is especially important in films, documentaries, TV and animated shows – multimodal scripts which are being localised for various contexts. An important step in the translation process in the entertainment industry should be the identification of translation errors in the final product which should be based on a proper translation error classification. Given that available translation error classifications rely solely on linguistic modes of communication, the aim of this paper is to propose a multimodal translation error classification which would be based on the multimodality of scripts to be translated and thus provide a reliable tool for the quality check of the final translation product in the entertainment industry. In that way, translators in this industry will be alerted to recognise elements (e.g. tone of voice, facial expressions, proximity, etc.) existing in multimodal scripts where both the source and the target texts as essential parts of the scripts are multimodal products.
The Translator, 2023
Most translation tasks in the entertainment industry involve multiple modes of communication, i.e... more Most translation tasks in the entertainment industry involve multiple modes of communication, i.e. they are multimodal, not solely language-based. A translator is expected to analyse, evaluate and transfer each of those modes to render an accurate translation of the source text. This is especially important in films, documentaries, TV and animated shows – multimodal scripts which are being localised for various contexts. An important step in the translation process in the entertainment industry should be the identification of translation errors in the final product which should be based on a proper translation error classification. Given that available translation error classifications rely solely on linguistic modes of communication, the aim of this paper is to propose a multimodal translation error classification which would be based on the multimodality of scripts to be translated and thus provide a reliable tool for the quality check of the final translation product in the entertainment industry. In that way, translators in this industry will be alerted to recognise elements (e.g. tone of voice, facial expressions, proximity, etc.) existing in multimodal scripts where both the source and the target texts as essential parts of the scripts are multimodal products.
This research explores the impact of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on the understand... more This research explores the impact of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on the understanding of meanings of modal verbs in Legal English (mmvLE) and the level of motivation in an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course. The hypothesis is that the understanding of the mmvle and the level of motivation will be increased if esp students are allowed to choose call as a preferred learning environment. Based on a quasi-experiment, the control group received instruction in a conventional classroom (CC) (face-to-face instruction, white board and paper-based material) and the experimental group received instruction in a call environment (combination of face-to-face and online instruction, web-facilitated). Following the principles of a repeated measures research design, the participants’ understanding of the mmvLE was measured in four subsequent instances. The detailed quantitative and qualitative error analysis shows that the CALL group outperformed the CC group. The analysis of ...
TEME, 2017
The Strategy for Higher Education System Development in Serbia up to 2020 presupposes a certain l... more The Strategy for Higher Education System Development in Serbia up to 2020 presupposes a certain level of digital literacy of all participants in education. Knowledge and skills in the area of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) are basic requirements. University teachers (UT) are also expected to develop skills to use ICT for both teaching and scientific research because they are both lecturers and researchers. This research is based on the primary assumption that UT would apply ICT to a greater extent if they were provided with actual possibilities to do so. The aims of this paper are to enable preliminary insight into (1) how UT understand the role of ICT in their research and which aspects of the scope of ICT they are familiar with; and (2) what UT believe could facilitate their scientific research. A survey was conducted with 166 UT in Serbia based on a mixed questionnaire. The data analysis confirmed that UT are familiar with both the role and scope of ICT but they lac...
The aim of this paper is to present two relatively new trends in Translation Studies in the digit... more The aim of this paper is to present two relatively new trends in Translation Studies in the digital space and to present some of the interdisciplinary implications new directions might have in Translation Studies in the future. Not only does the digital space provide new tools and technologies, but it also enables the investigation of phenomena and practices beyond existing interdisciplinary relationships that Translation Studies has established so far. In this paper we shall present the relatively new trends of community translation and fan translation with the aim to draw attention to the necessity to investigate these two forms of translation further as they may be beneficial to all stakeholders in translation, i.e. researchers, practitioners, trainees and representatives in the translation industry at large. The final presentation of the potential implications of new interdisciplinary directions might motivate theoretical investigations of Translation Studies in the digital space that may have been underestimated so far with the outcome to open a door to the application of community and fan translation in a context beyond the entertainment industry where they currently occur.
Facta Universitatis Series: Linguistics and Literature, 2017
Translation studies have evolved to the extent that phenomena, problems and aspects related to tr... more Translation studies have evolved to the extent that phenomena, problems and aspects related to translation are analysed and defined within the discipline itself based on methods and techniques specifically developed for it. One of the many achievements is that two separate translation genres have been identified, i.e. literary and non-literary translation, followed by different approaches to both theoretical explorations of the two, as well as practical solutions in the process of translating them. The aim of this article is to contribute to the study of non-literary translation by offering an overview of translation techniques available in the literature but not yet distinctly related to non-literary translation. Since recent approaches to the study of translation imply a strong focus on the target text as a product, the techniques illustrated here are supported by examples originating from an authentic corpus of non-literary translation compiled during twenty-two years of official...
Nastava i vaspitanje, 2018
У раду се представља предмет Примена рачунара у научним истраживањима као изборни предмет у оквир... more У раду се представља предмет Примена рачунара у научним истраживањима као изборни предмет у оквиру докторских академских студија друштвено-хуманистичких наука код нас. Полази се од претпоставке да је увођење оваквог предмета неопходно како би се докторандима омогућило да упознају појединачнe могућности примене рачунара у научним истраживањима и да овладају потребним вештинама за примену дигиталних алата, апликација и техничких могућности рачунара у свим фазама израде научног рада. У раду се нуди детаљан приказ силабуса са дефинисаним циљевима, исходима и садржајем предложеног академског курса, као и приказ метода које су потребне за извођење наставе. Од студената се очекује да током курса стекну потребна знања и вештине на основу којих могу да самостално ураде научно истраживање те да га припреме за објављивање или представљање широј научној јавности у складу с основним принципима и етичким стандардима научних истраживања. Увођење овог предмета важна је компонента на путу академске социјализације младих научних радника и у потпуности је у складу са Стратегијом развоја образовања у Србији до 2020. по којој се предвиђа дигитална писменост свих учесника и носилаца процеса образовања, а стицање знања и вештина у области информационо-комуникационих технологија основни је предуслов за то. примена рачунара, докторске академске студије, друштвено-хуманистичке науке, модернизација.
Методички видици, 1970
Превођење у целини, а консекутивно превођење нарочито, представљају и поступак и производ који за... more Превођење у целини, а консекутивно превођење нарочито, представљају и поступак и производ који зависи од језичке компетенције преводиоца у оквиру система најмање два језика, а заснива се на свеобухватном знању, које преводилац има о речима, фразама и реченицама у та два језика. Циљ овог рада није да оспори или подржи ову тврдњу, већ да испита потребу да консекутивац прошири поменуту језичку компетенцију и усвоји вештине лингвистичке анализе која превазилази ниво речи, фраза и реченица, то јест залази у домен текста и дискурса. С обзиром на то да се и тексту и дискурсу у оквиру опште лингвистике већ приписује суштински значај, требало би сагледати и њихову везу са консекутивним превођењем. Препознавање прагматички кохерентних модела који се користе у језику и говору, као и одговарајућа анализа истих, могу омогућити предвиђање нових модела и тиме помоћи консекутивцу да превод одређеног дискурса обави брже, кохерентније и прецизније. Стога и основни циљ овог рада, да нагласи значај обу...
Facta universitatis-series: Linguistics and Literature, 2010
Equivalence is of essential importance for a translation, but at the same time, it is the subject... more Equivalence is of essential importance for a translation, but at the same time, it is the subject of contradictory attitudes among theorists. On one hand, there are those who believe it to be necessary for the translation; on the other hand, there are those who claim it is unimportant, even harmful for the translation. When it comes to scientific, professional and official translations, equivalence is of immense importance as it may be one of the main causes of imprecise and inaccurate translations. Yet, there are some techniques that may be applied to surpass the problem of equivalence in scientific, professional and official translations. If the scientific, professional and official text is analysed as based on the cogno-cultural model of perceiving and conceptualising both the source and the target text content, the translation of the said text may be rather simplified. The aim of this article is to offer an overview of important issues regarding equivalence, an introduction to the cogno-cultural approach to translation as well as a short presentation of two simple techniques for the successful realisation of scientific, professional and official translations based on the cogno-cultural approach..
With the aim of examining the level of students’ autonomy in the application of digital resources... more With the aim of examining the level of students’ autonomy in the application of digital resources in their learning, a ten-week research was conducted with 19 third-year English language students. The research implemented a blended learning model as an addition to a regular Legal English course. One part of the learning model was aimed at helping the students use digital resources in the process of developing their writing skills. The hypothesis was that, if the students were gradually instructed on how to search and use online resources more and more independently, they would learn how to select the proper sources and how to use them autonomously in their writing. The procedure applied was based on a form of guided writing in the first stage in order to help the students make independent use of digital resources in the third stage. The results obtained from the students’ final written assignments should indicate how autonomous the students became in the implementation of digital re...
Jezik, književnost, moć / Language, Literature, Power, 2023
International instruments have long recognized the power of languages and established measures to... more International instruments have long recognized the power of languages and established measures to mitigate and prevent the harm of language deprivation. Indeed, linguistic rights have increasingly been recognized as human rights. In a number of contexts, the effective realization of the most basic linguistic rights depends on the translation from a minority to a dominant language. Legal proceedings are an example, and the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 6) enshrines the right to interpretation and translation for those who do not speak or understand the language of the proceedings. However, monolingual ideologies still loom large on societies, resulting in a number of inadequacies that deprive the speakers of languages socially classified as minor of the necessary resources to enjoy their rights. This contribution will tackle two different contexts, Kosovo, and the Valencian country. Despite the legal obligation to avoid discrimination of speakers of non-dominant languages, judiciary practices discourage and endanger the maintenance and development of the regional and minority languages in both settings. This chapter addresses the lack of maturity of judiciary translation policies focusing on the accuracy, quality, and availability of translation, or lack thereof. In that way, we will show that from translator training to quality standards, societies' preparedness vis-à-vis their increasing diversity requires improvement.
Books by Đorđević, Jasmina
The monograph "Digital media discourse in linguistic research" offers an exploration into the rel... more The monograph "Digital media discourse in linguistic research" offers an exploration into the relationship between discourse as a manifestation of language in the digital media and the research possibilities available in the field of linguistics, but not without referring to sociolinguistics, media studies, etc. Substantial research has been devoted to the separate aspects of the subject matter initiated in this book. Especially during the last two decades, the media, discourse and the digital realm have been rather frequent topics successfully elaborated on by authors who have been given due credit in this book. However, it seemed to me that there are not enough resources that would provide systematic and comprehensive insights into how to analyse, understand, describe and further explore digital media discourse by relating linguistic research with theoretical frameworks from communication studies, political studies, journalism etc. These frameworks may, in fact, shed new light on how digital media discourse is both created and perceived while offering some new understanding of all the affordances and constraints entailed in digital media discourse in linguistic research.
Papers by Đorđević, Jasmina
Books by Đorđević, Jasmina