““Joan and Barbara had adjoining properties in Brentwood. When Barbara’s husband, Frank Fay, would get drunk & abusive toward her, Barbara would run to Joan’s house, where Joan would console her. One thing led to another. “There’s...
  • Joan and Barbara had adjoining properties in Brentwood. When Barbara’s husband, Frank Fay, would get drunk & abusive toward her, Barbara would run to Joan’s house, where Joan would console her. One thing led to another. “There’s no doubt in my mind that Joan and Barbara were intimate on more than one occassion.”

    -Helen Ferguson, bisexual former actress, who became Stanwyck’s press agent for many years.

  • marypickfords:
“Advertisement for the reissue of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1917) from Exhibitors Herald (June, 1920)
  • Advertisement for the reissue of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1917) from Exhibitors Herald (June, 1920)

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    Vivien Leigh, Oscar, 1940

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  • idk if it's just me but i'm glad that the majority of people outside of here believe tumblr is a dead site because like i've been here for 13 years and like this is my house??? i don't need thousands upon thousands of people flocking here it'd be like inviting chimps to a house party total fucking carnage

  • marypickfords:
“Mary Pickford portrait by Alfred Lindstedt, 1919.
  • Mary Pickford portrait by Alfred Lindstedt, 1919.

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    Norma Shearer paper dolls (1925)

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    1922 c. Heiress Sarah Rector. From Womanica Podcast.

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    Rita Hayworth - 1947

  • fuckyeahbarbarastanwyck:
“Banjo on my Knee (1936): behind the scenes.
Check the Stanwyck’s Shanty!
“Banjo on my Knee (1936): behind the scenes.
Check the Stanwyck’s Shanty!
“Banjo on my Knee (1936): behind the scenes.
Check the Stanwyck’s Shanty!
“Banjo on my Knee (1936): behind the scenes.
Check the Stanwyck’s Shanty!
“Banjo on my Knee (1936): behind the scenes.
Check the Stanwyck’s Shanty!
  • Banjo on my Knee (1936): behind the scenes. 

    Check the Stanwyck’s Shanty!

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    By Joset Walker. Jewelry by Seaman Schepps. Photographed by Frances McLaughlin-Gill, Vogue, November 1, 1946.

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    Vivien Leigh in her dressing room on opening night of 'School for Scandal' at the Tivoli Theatre in 1948.

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    Natalie Wood

  • marypickfords:
“Mary Pickford, undated.
  • Mary Pickford, undated.

  • why is being alive so expensive. i’m not even having a good time

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    &. lilac theme by seyche