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Abstract: In this study monthly aerosol samples collected at Erbil city, Iraq, throughout 2008-2009 yielded significant concentration of viable (culture forming) bacteria and fungi only when the dust was present. The results indicated the... more
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      MicrobiologyAir pollutionAir Pollution and Health EffectsEnvironmental Pollution
Since particulates are a sort air pollution and impact on environmental conditions seriously, considerable amount of program to assess and to control air pollution are regarded, since there are only a few study on dust deposition in Iraq... more
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      Dust HazardsAir Pollution and Health Effects
Abstract. Over the past few years, the Erbil -Iraq city has produced 100 tons of solid waste daily yet there is no sanitary land fill for ultimate disposal of solid waste. For a long time, it has been a common practice to dispose of soil... more
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This study examined the physical and chemical characteristics of rainwater from 15 sites in Kurdistan- Iraq between March and April 2009 and compared the growth of crop plants (Triticum duarium, Lens esculenta, Cicer arietinum and Bracica... more
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      Environmental SciencePlant EcologyAir pollution
Pre-treatment is one of the key challenges in the conversion of lignocellulosic raw materials into bioethanol. Various pre-treatment strategies have been developed, such as dilute acid pre-treatment, alkali pre-treatment, steam explosion... more
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      TechnologyBiological Sciences
Analysis of the chemical components of Municipal solid waste (MSW) indicated that the presence of high concentrations of toxic heavy metals. The aim of this study was to select the best leaching condition, in order to generate a compost... more
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    • Bioenergy
Analysis of the chemical components of Municipal solid waste (MSW) indicated that the presence of high concentrations of toxic heavy metals. The aim of this study was to select the best leaching condition, in order to generate a compost... more
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    • Environmental Biotechnology,Bioenergy,biofuel and Waste treatment
Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) becomes an increasing problem worldwide; however, MSW contains high lignocellulosic content that can be further processed for the generation of electricity, transportation fuel and other... more
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      BioenergySolid Waste Management
Bioleaching can be considering a simple and effective technology for removing metals from waste which is rich in heavy metals. Bioleaching of these metals by microorganisms offers an economical and eco-friendly approach. In this study... more
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    • Biotechnology
Worldwide significant amounts of food waste are generated daily causing serious environmental issues, occupying land and requiring expenditure of resources for its treatment. A smart method for handling this food waste problem is the... more
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    • Bioenergy
Energy is an important requirement for population growth, technological progress and urbanisation. Worldwide energy demand has been projected to increase 5-fold by 2100. Fulfilment of these energy requirements cannot be solely reliant on... more
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      BiotechnologyMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste Management