This video demonstrates the premise, theory, dimensions, personality factors, types and traits of... more This video demonstrates the premise, theory, dimensions, personality factors, types and traits of the Egocentric personality. 84 views
KYKOLOGY is a scientific study of human differences marked by a systematic, comprehensive and int... more KYKOLOGY is a scientific study of human differences marked by a systematic, comprehensive and integrative approach to the study of personality through psychodynamic, behavioural, humanistic, evolutionary, biological, cognitive, traits; and needs and deprivation schools of thought. 46 views
This video discusses the premise, theories, types and traits of the Sociocentric Personality Dim... more This video discusses the premise, theories, types and traits of the Sociocentric Personality Dimension 2 views
KYKOLOGY is defined as the study of personality and with all the knowledge associated with it. Th... more KYKOLOGY is defined as the study of personality and with all the knowledge associated with it. This video presentation demonstrates the importance of Know Yourself, Know Other, and the philosophy behind its development. 2 views
This video presentation is to discuss the limitations of existing personality assessment tools an... more This video presentation is to discuss the limitations of existing personality assessment tools and how KYKOLOGY can address its deficiencies. 4 views
This video discusses the premise, theory, dimensions, personality factors, types and traits of th... more This video discusses the premise, theory, dimensions, personality factors, types and traits of the Self-Actualization personality. Grounded theory is a widely used systematic methodology for qualitative research. It involves the... more Grounded theory is a widely used systematic methodology for qualitative research. It involves the construction of hypotheses and theories through data collection and analysis. Grounded theory involves the use of inductive reasoning. The methodology differs from the hypothetical-deductive model used in traditional scientific research. 11 views
People management is the practice of recruiting, training, engaging, and retaining employees in o... more People management is the practice of recruiting, training, engaging, and retaining employees in order to maximize their talent and productivity. People management is a subcategory of Human Resource Management (HRM) that includes training and development, recruitment, job placement, career path and succession planning, and retention.
Nature Vs Nurture Vs Disorder Personality: Definition of its dimensions and factors
Nature Vs Nurture Vs Disorder Five Dimensional Personal... more KYKO UNIFIED GRAND THEORY OF PERSONALITY
Nature Vs Nurture Vs Disorder Five Dimensional Personality:
Definition of its dimensions, factors and typology
We live in an unstable and tumultuous world that is governed by a plethora and diversity of dynam... more We live in an unstable and tumultuous world that is governed by a plethora and diversity of dynamic forces and environmental influences that dictate and regulate how we should behave and conduct our lives. Nobody is safe from these forces. We are trapped and stuck within it because we need to live and grow in order to survive.
Self Is defined as the holistic personality of the individual, consisting of all attributes, t... more Self Is defined as the holistic personality of the individual, consisting of all attributes, traits and characteristics derived from the interaction of nature vs nurture, higher (positive) vs lower ( negative), reactive vs proactive, predetermined vs free will, conscious vs unconscious, fixed vs unique, normal vs abnormal and other physical variables
KYKO, 2022
Person Job Fit is the process of putting the right employee in the right place in an organization... more Person Job Fit is the process of putting the right employee in the right place in an organization. The personality job fit theory posits that matching person personality traits and characteristics with the job greatly motivates a person to greater heights of performance. How well a person fits in and work determines that person’s psychological health i.e. happiness, motivation and commitment to perform. A misfit however will cause frustration and dissatisfaction resulting in poor performance and high turnover. Job fitting has been a challenging task all along. Many have yet to truly realize the importance and implications of putting people in the right place upon the company’s bottom line and results
KYKO, 2022
Knowing the typology of student personality is vital for their development. It is very helpful ... more Knowing the typology of student personality is vital for their development. It is very helpful for teachers, parents, and educationists in guiding and educating the young ones effectively as they grow and mature to become a functioning person.
KYKO, 2022
KYKO Unified Grand theory of personality uses the ground theory approach to identify unique perso... more KYKO Unified Grand theory of personality uses the ground theory approach to identify unique personalities by observing a person’s actual behavior and putting them into the narrative to allow us to diagnose problems caused by human differences. By analyzing the text kyko produces a five -dimensional code to name each semantic unit to discover the root of the problem and find a solution.
YIN yang is a concept adopted from the Chinese philosophy to describe how opposing forces can ac... more YIN yang is a concept adopted from the Chinese philosophy to describe how opposing forces can actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they can relate to each other when they are interconnected with each other to predict human differences..
Examples of Opposing forces of the contemporary Personality Perspectives
Polar Pairs - Extroversion Vs Introversion (BFF)
Psychological Opposites – Dominant/Assertive Vs Submissive (DISC)
Paradox Pairs – Frank Vs Diplomatic (Harrison Innerview)
Complementary Pairs – Thinking Vs Feeling (MBTI)
This paper attempts to focus on the Interaction of Yin Yang and KYKO Personality Five Dimensions and its Factors. Your comments and inputs are appreciated.
Encyclopedia of School Psychology, 2005
Erik Erikson was an ego psychologist who developed one of the most popular and influential theori... more Erik Erikson was an ego psychologist who developed one of the most popular and influential theories of development. What is Psychosocial Development? So what exactly did Erikson's theory of psychosocial development entail? Much like Sigmund Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of stages. Unlike Freud's theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson's theory describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Erikson was interested in how social interaction and relationships played a role in the development and growth of human beings. One of the main elements of Erikson's psychosocial stage theory is the development of ego identity. Ego identity is the conscious sense of self that we develop through social interaction. According to Erikson, our ego identity is constantly changing due to new experiences and information we acquire in our daily interactions with others. As we face each new stage of development, we face a new challenge that can help further develop or hinder the development of identity. When psychologists talk about identity, they are referring to all of the beliefs, ideals, and values that help shape and guide a person's behavior. Forming the identity is something that begins in childhood and becomes particularly important during adolescence, but Erikson believed that it is a process that continues throughout life. Our personal identity gives each of us an integrated and cohesive sense of self that endures and continues to grow as we age. Our sense of personal identity is shaped by our experiences and interactions with others, and it is this identity that helps guide our actions, beliefs, and behaviors and we grow and develop throughout life. In addition to ego identity, Erikson also believed that a sense of competence motivates behaviors and actions. Each stage in Erikson's theory is concerned with becoming competent in an area of life. If the stage is handled well, the person will feel a sense of mastery, which is sometimes referred to as ego strength or ego quality. If the stage is managed poorly, the person will emerge with a sense of inadequacy. In each stage, Erikson believed people experience a conflict that serves as a turning point in development. In Erikson's view, these conflicts are centered on either developing a psychological quality or failing to develop that quality. During these times, the potential for personal growth is high, but so is the potential for failure. If people successfully deal with the conflict, they emerge from the stage with psychological strengths that will serve them well for the rest of their life. If they fail to deal effectively with this conflict, they may not develop the essential skills needed for a strong sense of identity and self
KYKO Normal Vs Abnormal Personality
Nature Vs Nurture Vs Disorder Five Dimensional Personality:
Definition of its dimensions, factors and typology
Examples of Opposing forces of the contemporary Personality Perspectives
Polar Pairs - Extroversion Vs Introversion (BFF)
Psychological Opposites – Dominant/Assertive Vs Submissive (DISC)
Paradox Pairs – Frank Vs Diplomatic (Harrison Innerview)
Complementary Pairs – Thinking Vs Feeling (MBTI)
This paper attempts to focus on the Interaction of Yin Yang and KYKO Personality Five Dimensions and its Factors. Your comments and inputs are appreciated.
Nature Vs Nurture Vs Disorder Five Dimensional Personality:
Definition of its dimensions, factors and typology
Examples of Opposing forces of the contemporary Personality Perspectives
Polar Pairs - Extroversion Vs Introversion (BFF)
Psychological Opposites – Dominant/Assertive Vs Submissive (DISC)
Paradox Pairs – Frank Vs Diplomatic (Harrison Innerview)
Complementary Pairs – Thinking Vs Feeling (MBTI)
This paper attempts to focus on the Interaction of Yin Yang and KYKO Personality Five Dimensions and its Factors. Your comments and inputs are appreciated.
Bernard Tan is the inventor of KYKO (Know Yourself Know Others), a patented psychometric profiling solutions that has delivered proven results for countless individuals and organizations such as the Malaysian Prison Department, Petronas, Open University, PT Telekomunikasi, SONY Electronics and Shell Manila, just to name a few.
His experience in the field of organizational and human behavioural development spans over 40 years during which he trained thousands of executives and members of the academia on topics ranging from leadership and performance excellence to character building. Bernard started his industrious career as a high school teacher before finding his calling in coaching and human behavioural development when he was awarded a World Bank scholarship to pursue his postgraduate studies in psychology and industrial relations during his attachment with Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB), the management training arm of the Ministry of Education of Malaysia. During his 12-year tenure at IAB, he was often invited to speak at international human resource conferences, other training institutes and MBA programmes. Having retired early with the Central Bank of Malaysia as a corporate trainer in 1997, Bernard continues to pursue his passion of helping others achieve their best potential through his dedication in KYKO psychometric solutions development and accessibility with his team at Global Profiling Solutions Sdn Bhd.
Your comments and inputs on the above power point slides are welcome.
Your child is a unique personality with needs, wants, desire or drive and a list of traits and characteristics that may be consistent, change, or varies throughout the child's life with new experiences. Knowing your child's personality makes you an effective parent in guiding and nurturing your child. It will assist you to establish a relationship of mutual understanding, trust, and love with your child.
"If you know yourself and know your child, you will be successful in every effort you make to nurture your child.
If you know yourself but not your child, or you know your child but not yourself for every successful effort in parenting your child, there will be a failure.
If you do not know yourself, and do not know your child you are likely to fail in every effort of nurturing your child. "
Adapted from Sun Tsu Art of War
Not knowing your child particularly will create barriers between yourself and your child. Parents who do not know their child tends to impose their thoughts and values on their child and shape their child to what they want and not what the child wants. They do not give the child the choice and freedom to develop their hidden talents or potentials and to choose the path they want to be. Forcing or coercing the child to be what they want to be will have an adverse impact on the child personality, and his or her future. It is also the underlying cause of career misfit in the child's adult life.
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
“A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.”
Nelson Mandela
The development of the intelligence and character are two very important goals of education to produce an all rounded and wholesome individual. The development of intelligence entails the cognitive, mental and intellectual domains. Character involves the moral development, as well as the affective and spiritual domains.
Education in the 21st. century everywhere around the world focuses on developing the intelligence more than character, from the primary and all the way up to tertiary and beyond.
Intelligence is concerned with the development of the mind to be able to think intensively and critically to make decision and judgment. The character has to do with the moral development of a pure heart. Moral development, entailing the building of character embracing the improvement of ethics, integrity, kindness, love, compassion, and humility has been neglected since the day formal education began.
An individual with the personal disorder often finds difficulties in controlling one's thinking processes, feelings and desires causing interpersonal disruptions in human relationship.
The purpose of this article is an attempt to classify personality disorder under the five dimensional model of KYKO personality profile.
High Egocentric Dimension
High Egocentric/Assertive Personality is characterized by a high need for power, image, status, recognition, take charge and to control and shape the environment
Highly integrity people are sincere, reliable and dependable. They keep their words and fulfill their commitments. They will not compromise their values, ethics and principles to accomplish their goals. Low ethical people are cunning, deceitful, chameleon-like and exploitative. They are unscrupulous and will go all out to manipulate, outsmart and exploit others to satisfy their insatiable selfish ends.
a popular tool, having the largest market share was developed by mother and daughter housewife. They start off by categorizing personality and putting a number of the typology without sound theories to support each personality type. None of the assessment tool evaluates all the psychological traits of our personality due to its dubious origin and methodology. Many of its interpretations are rather vague and sound like fortune cookie or horoscope.
The Big Five Factors is the only assessment tool that attempts to assess all psychological traits by identifying approximately 4,500 traits from the lexicon of the dictionary. The drawback is they are not based on any psychological theory. They assume that all our traits are born.
KYKO was established to address the problems of existing contemporary personality assessments. At least its origin and methodology are not dubious as evidenced in its theoretical explanation, premise, dimensions and typology in this presentation.